Hey. It's ya boi. Pinny skenis. Started a Wattpad. Don't know what the hell I'm gonna do with it. First of all, I should start by saying three days late, happy 9/11. Fucking towers and shit. Yay. I guess this is the handbook you will know about me in. Here is some basic information about the creature I am.
•I'm fucking pansexual. Aka 2/3 gay
•I like memes *cough cough follow me on Instagram pinny._.skenis cough*
•I'm ugly AF
•I have depression and anxiety, but I'm not a tumblr snowflake who flaunts it around like it's a gift from Jesus himself
•I love any type of metal
and yeah. Basic information about me. Idk what the book will become later on. But expect any type of story coming in general. Not in this book though. This is just a more about me place and a rant place. It can get depressing. It can get boring. It can be funny. Pointless. Sad. Controversial. And anything of that sorts. So without any further hesitation, lego.