Chapter 2 montanna

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I crawled out of the warm cocoon that was my sleeping bag, and groggily walked away from the fire. within a couple minutes i found a large patch of dandelions, and collected them all. But i smelt a thick floral aroma... Not the dandelions something sweeter... Pond lilies. I followed my nose for a few minute than nearly fell into the pond. It was about as big as a small swimming pool, and full of katniss and cat tails! Katniss root taste like potatoes, and the core of cat tail taste like cucumber. I ran into the knee deep pond ravenously picking at least 3 pounds of katniss roots and cat tails.

I held them in my arms and the water soaked threw my coat chilling my stomach, i tried to ignore how cold my wet jeans were making me.

I walked back into the clearing shivering uncontrollably, Ryans eyes were suddenly replaced by saucers.

"WHy are you wet?" he gasped "And what is all that?"

I snickered "Their tubers from a pond, its like potatoes kind of."

Ryan and i spent about half an hour taking the core out of the cattails. In 3 metal cups i brought we boiled enough cattails, katniss, and dandelion for a meal.

We ate the raw cat tails in slices like cucumber that the flavor so closely resembled. The stew tasted like potatoes, it wasnt bad but it wasnt good it was food though.

"Were are we going next?" Ryan asked.

"Were ever the next train takes us" i lit a ciggarette. "I dont want plans i want... I dont know but definetely not plans."

"Im glad... Why did you take me?" He paused "Most people wouldnt trust someone like me, why did you?"

"Because, what you look like says nothing about who you are, besides I could take you."

He raised an eyebrow "You think so eh?"


I knew his next move before he did. In an instant he was running at me in a tackling position. I sidestepped and he stumbled until i was behind him and i kicked his legs from beneath him. He got up quicker than i expected and we laughed as i tackled him back to the ground. We wrestled on the ground for a long time until we determined that we were even in skill, and strength.

After we caught are breath and stopped laughing i asked ryan,

" Were is the nearest railroad?"

He thought for a second than said "Not to far from here after we pack up i will show you."

I nodded and we left.


Ryan looked really pale sitting next to me waiting for a train to somewhere. A bead of sweat slid down his forehead and lingered on the tip of his nose.

"Its not that hard" He looked at me "Hopping trains i mean, but if you dont wanna hop on while it moves we can follow that sign and wait at the station. Get on while it, fills on gas or whatever trains use."

he went from pale to red in a split second.

"Could we... just the first time?"

i nodded and looked at the yellow arrow that said "train station .3 miles".

It took us about 7 minutes to walk their.. A fence surrounded the place, and a few rail road guards walked around. Ryan and i deftly snuck in and hid behind, a white building. 3 hours later we heard the train pull in and stop.

Ryan started to get up but i whispered:

"Dont we need to wait til the dust settles and no one is setting up anything."


Ryan settled into the corner opposite mine and tried to keep warm in a thin black blanket. Once again I wrapped my quilt around me, it was maybe half an inch thick, no thicker than ryans.

"Its probably gonna get pretty cold isnt it?" He paused "Do you think we could shut the doors without him noticing?>"

When he said that i looked and noticed to red slidng doors, on either side of the boxcar. i pondered his question for a moment than said

"We should be able to but it will be pretty dark."

Ryan raised went through his backpack and produced a flashlight...

I could feel the train go up and down hills, the dimness of the boxcar was almost hypnotic. I wanted to fall into the black waters of sleep were no woes may grow, but it was to loud. It wasnt as cold as it usually would be with the doors open, but it wasnt pleasant.

We tried to make good conversation but it was to hard with the incessant roar of the train. I felt the subtle pull of inertia on my body as the mechanical animal slowed, moving us in its body. I groggily got up to open the train door, but paused

"When you jump land on your feet and bend your knees the moment you touch the ground."

He nodded and I opened the door

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