Chapter 4: Meeting

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No Scrubs-Dropout

Smooth- Santana



When I burst through the front door at a little after four in the morning, to say that I was merely unhappy when I laid eyes on the pair of vigilantes, sitting on the living room couch with a beer in hand, would be an understatement.

"What the fuck?" My voice was cold. I slammed the door behind me I didn't even bother retracting my mask. Jason jumped up from the couch.

"Look, Eliza, I just didn't want to get into a fight with Scythe and Nightwing. I figured that it was best if I just stayed out of it." He fidgeted with his hands, almost ashamed for leaving me.

"And what's your pathetic excuse?" I glared at Roy.

He shrugged, taking a sip from his beer, "Eh, what can I say? You look like you had it covered."

"Yeah," My voice shook with anger. I tried to find the words to convey my anger, but they just weren't there. I screamed in frustration. I marched across the room, took Jason's drink from his hand and threw it against the wall. With a hand hooked on the front of his collar, I yanked him up from his seat and pushed him against the wall.

"If you ever do the again," I growled, "I'll ripped out your eyeballs and shove them down your throat." Through this, Jason kept a straight face. I let go of his shirt. I locked my jaw and stormed off to my room.

I slammed the door shut. I undressed slowly, taking special care around bruised areas. Before going to bed, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My blue eyes were rimmed with dark circles from lack of sleep. A purple and blue ring around my neck stood out from porcelain skin. It was just another mark on my skin to add to the collection.

That night, for the first time in a long time, I dreamt of the first time I saw the boy that changed me.


Gotham Academy was huge. It wasn't just your average we're-so-rich-and-we-want-to-show-off-our-money huge. It could probably pass as ten aircraft hangers. Every student was clad in the same uniform with the exception of skirts for girls and pants for the boys.

I wore the same uniform with my dark hair in a long loose braid halfway down my back. It was my first day. I was nervous. English wasn't my first language (it wasn't my second either) and I didn't exactly have much practice before I made the move from Russia to Gotham. I walked the halls of Gotham Academy to the first class printed on my schedule, Chemistry.

The chemistry room itself was composed of eight lab tables. There were two students at each table except one in the back. One boy sat there with his nose in a book.

I knocked on the door, "Excuse me, sir." The teacher turned his head to look at me, taking a break from the equation on the board.

"Ah, new student. Just take a seat in the back we'll catch you up towards the end of the class," he said. He pulled up his corduroy slacks and fixed his suspenders before resuming his work on the board.

I took the only seat available. I set my book bag under the table after pulling out a composition notebook and a pen. I stole a glance at the boy next to me. He had black hair coming down over his eyes but was cut short on the sides. He was reading a moderately thick book whose script seemed to be in Arabic.

"Is that a good book?" He looked up at me, surprised as I asked him, as if someone actually had the audacity to speak to him.

"Umm... Yeah, I guess," He stuttered over his words a bit.

"Eliza." I stated.


"My name is Eliza," I extended my hand, "What's yours?" He stared at my hand with pure shock.

He took my hand, "Damian. Damian Wayne."

"Nice to meet you Damian Wayne." I noticed his hands were rough.


In some households and even cultures, when children either don't wake up on their own or on first call, they have water of an extreme temperature water poured onto them. If you have experienced this, you know how unpleasant freezing water is first thing in the morning.

"Wake up." Jason's voice was stone cold, much like the water. He stood over my bed with an empty pot still dripping with water. I sat up in shock, unable to form coherent words after the ordeal. "It's almost 8pm and I have somewhere to be. Dress at least half-decently, you're coming with me," He walked out of my room, "And if you aren't ready within the next fifteen minutes I'm coming back with another pot!" I jumped up and started getting dressed in a tight black turtleneck, to hide the mark on my neck, and jeans. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a necklace I had acquired just months before. It was a long silver chain with a silver band hanging off. I slipped it over my head. By the time I got outside, Jason was waiting in his usual getup of a leather jacket, white shirt and dark jeans.

We arrived at a mansion. Trust me, I don't use the word lightly. Words could hardly describe how massive the building was.

"Why are we here?" I asked Jason, "Are you collecting debts or something?"

He shot me a look, "No, we are having dinner with my family."

"You mean the people from the photo? Tim and Dick?" I thought back to the photo I had seen at Jason's. He said that they were his brothers. He later told me that they were, in fact, all adopted by the same person. Not blood related then.

"And a few more..." I rolled my eyes. I despised gatherings where it was implied that you actually had to talk to people and engage in conversation as a necessity. We approached the large oak doors. Jason knocked three times and almost three seconds later the door opened. I assumed that the guy was Dick for the photo. The resemblance was similar but this guy looked he had been through a bit of a rough time recently. As if on cue, there was a crashing sound from within the house before he even got a single word out. He looked defeated.

"Are those two at it again?" Jason asked him.

"Honestly, when aren't they nowadays?"


Sorry this took so long to upload. I've been so busy with school and work that I didn't have time to work on this. I'll try to do better this year! Please DM me with any questions or requests or personal comments! Hopefully I can get chapter 5 up soon!

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