Seven Simple Words

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Hello, and welcome to this little story. Take a seat, sit comfortably, I will talk about seven words.
They are standing there. People say hi, later they talk, they end up saying bye. But these few words unnoticed stand by.
Days come and go, nights do too, the words don't move, they're still like rocks.
Yet people still walk. A few notice the words and tell me "wow those are really inspirational" or "nice" or "cool". Some dont show any interest at all.

But just think of it, what would those words tell us if they could talk? "Hey we're here, notice us" they would yell.
And that's so true. You know, if words had a power, those would have a 90%.
So the next time you think you see them, stop and look. Read them, even once, as long as you can hold them in your mind for a while, analyse them. Remember them.
They're not a bunch of simple words. Dig deep down their ink, there's a meaning you will find. If you truly notice them, they mean a lot.
Once you do, they will forever stand by you, when you're sad, they'll hopefully lighten up your mood. Look behind the lines of this text, make sure to comprehend every syllable of those words, those seven words.
And when you think that they're just dumb words, when you think you've lost it all, and reading a few words won't work, well think again. Maybe there's a hope.

But you see, people say "meh, words. That's all" and shrug. Nobody really cares anymore.

And you may think that I won't tell you the words...heh in that case, you're wrong. Actually I thought of letting you find them on your own but I havw reached my decision.

 Seven simple words on the cover of this story.

Did you notice those simple words...?

I wish those words will help you through, as they helped me, and a million people more.

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