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"Shut up, Connor! How did it go?"
Of course that's how Nico answered the phone. Connor was Nico's best friend (they'd done Newsies together on Broadway a few years back).
Hazel laughed, the crisp early autumn air softly hitting her face as she walked back to her apartment building.
"Good, I think," Hazel replied. "They seemed to like me, and they said they'd be in touch tonight."
"Well, Will and I are taking you out to celebrate," Nico informed you. Then he added, "no, you're not invited." Hazel assumed he was talking to Connor again.
"Calm down big brother. I don't even know if I got the part."
"Well, if you didn't they're dumb."
"They cast you, and that was pretty smart."
Nico grunted. He was playing Mr. Mistoffeeles, one of the leads, on the tour.
"Still," he said, "Will and I are taking you out to dinner."
Will was Nico's boyfriend - they'd been together for about three years, and they'd lived together for about two.
"Okay," Hazel grinned. "Whatever."
"I'll text you time and place," Nico said, and she could hear the grin in his voice. "Or you can pick."
"Wherever is good with me, big brother," she replied with a grin. "Now I'm going to go, because I'm almost to Starbucks, and this fall air makes me want a pumpkin spice latte."
"So common," Nico sighed.
"Hush," Hazel laughed. "I like them."
"You and Will," he laughed. "Well, I've got to go, too - I was helping Connor with an audition."
"Alright. Bye, Nico."
"Bye Haz!"

"How many?"
Hazel smiled at the host as she entered the restaurant. "I'm meeting some people - I'm not sure if they're here yet. Two young men-"
He nodded. "Right down that way." He motioned down an open hallway, and with a nod, she headed that direction.
She saw her brother and his boyfriend before they saw her. They were in a booth in the corner - Will was showing Nico something on his phone. They were laughing, and then Will dropped the phone on the table and looked at Nico; Nico leaned in and kissed Will, quickly but lovingly.
As the boys broke apart, they both saw Hazel and waved.
She grinned back - those two were the cutest couple - and made her way to their table. She sat across from them, and they immediately bombarded her with questions.
"How did it go?" Will asked.
"Have you heard yet?" Nico questioned.
"What role do you hope you get?"
"Was there anyone cute at the audition?"
Nico glared at Will because of the last question.
"What?!" Will exclaimed. "Oh, please. I was just curious! And I meant for her - I have you."
Nico just rolled his eyes. "Don't answer him."
Hazel laughed. "I love you guys. Yes, I think it went well. I really don't care who I get, so long as I get cast. No, I haven't heard yet-"
Her phone started ringing just as she was replying. She jerked it out of her bag and saw the unknown number - she looked up at the boys.
"Be quiet," she begged. "I think it's them."
Nico grabbed Will's shoulder and Will grabbed Nico's other arm, both of them wide eyed.
"Hello?" Hazel answered, trying to steady her voice.
"Hi. Is this Hazel Levesque?"
"Yes sir."
Nico tilted his head as if to say what?. She just shook her head quickly.
"Great. I'm Chiron Brunner, one of the producers of Cats. I'm just calling to let you know that we'd love for you to play Rumpleteazer."
It took all she had not to gasp. She couldn't stop the grin spreading across her face.
"Yes, I'd love that!"
"Great. Well, we'll get your script in the mail and I'll get in touch by the end of the week about the first rehearsals."
"Wonderful! Thank you!"
"No problem. Have a nice night."
"You too!"
She shakily pulled her phone away from her ear and looked at Nico and Will.
"So?" Nico exclaimed, tightening his grip on Will.
"Rumpleteazer," she beamed.
"Yes! Hazel!" Nico cried.
"Congratulations!" Will exclaimed. They both quickly crawled out of their seats to hug her, and she hugged them back, laughing. It didn't even matter that everyone in the restaurant was staring at them.

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