Twins of Fire and Water (Chapter 13)

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"Brenton! We have to talk," Carol exclaims.

"You'll be surprised," Tyler smiles.

"Okay, gimme a second," Brenton goes into the back.

He dumps his book bag into his room and then runs into the office, where Carol and Tyler did their work.

"So, what is it?" Brenton asks, taking seat at Carol's eye contact.

"Stay seated. You'll need to be for when you hear this," Tyler offers an explanation.

"So...we looked around...and found a file," Carol takes out a tan colored file from a drawer.

"This file...well, you know Urana, your friend that you talk well," Tyler stops and looks at Carol.

"Urana is what? I know she's adopted," Brenton motions for them to keep going.

"Urana is your little twin sister," Carol and Tyler say at the same time, opening the file that proved that it is true.

Brenton jumps out from his chair.

"I should've known! The freckles! The half heart!" Brenton exclaims.

"Calm down Brenton," Carol looks a bit worried, her voice gentle.

"Yeah, sit down. It's a lot to take in," Tyler adds, his voice laced with concern.

"I gotta go!" Brenton cries out and runs out the door.

"Brenton!" Carol calls out after him.

"Where are you going?!" Tyler yells.

"It's pouring outside!" They both yell.


Urana steps into her house, taking off her shoes and placing them inside the closet.

"Urana you're home!" Her mom smiles, coming to greet her, with one hand occupied with a mixing spoon.

"Yup! Where's dad?" Urana asks, slipping off her backpack and putting it down.

"Your dad is finishing up some work. He'll be done in a second. Oh! And sweetie," her mom turns around again to face her, "we both have something to show you."

"Looking forward to it," Urana smiles and then walks towards the steps.

"Hurry and clean yourself up, I'm making spaghetti!" Her mom calls out.

"I'm gonna hurry now!" Urana exclaims from the stairs and then runs up the steps.

She comes back down a few minutes later, her parents at the table and serving dinner.

Urana takes her place at one of the seats, and starts to eat her food. "Mmmmm! It's super yummy mum!" The teen couldn't help but grin.

"Glad you're enjoying it. So, how was today?" Her mom asks, tying her black hair into a mess bun.

"Anything interesting happen?" Her dad leans in.

"Well, nothing really happened, me and Owen argued again but that's nothing new. Uhhh, nothing is really coming to mind," Urana takes another bite of a meatball.

"You should invite your friends over sometime," her mom suggests. "I hope you've made better friends."

Urana's smile falters.

"We've met Owen a couple of times but never actually got to talk to the boy, I don't trust his kind. And Alex, Ava and Brenton we've never met," her dad agrees, running a hand through his black hair. "Are they white?"

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