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Ethan POV:

the day came rather quickly, but I was still really excited. Tyler pulled into the parking lot, and as soon as he parked, I unbuckled and hopped out of the car. Tyler chuckled, getting out as well and locking it. I dragged him into the center, looking around.

"Hello!" The supervisor we had met before chirped. "Hi! Where's Sara?" I ask kindly. "She's right-" "here! Right here!"

I looked down to see the little girl of our dreams rushing up to us.

"Hi Sara! How old are you?" I question, leaning down and placing my hands on my knees. "I just turned six!" She smiles.

"Well then..." I snake my hands under her arms, picking her up quickly then spinning in a circle. She laughs as I giggle. "We'll go out to celebrate!" The supervisor smiled and waved as we walked out.

"Thanks so much!" Tyler waved as he shut the door behind him.

"Okay, Sara.. Here's the deal. I'm Ethan, and that's my husband Tyler. So its not super confusing, well.. Not really at least. You can call me daddy and Tyler dad. Sound good?" Sara responded with a nod.

"Okay, so... Do you like ice cream?" Tyler asked, kissing her head. "Yes!" She squeaked. "Well then, that's what we're getting!" Tyler chuckled, getting in the car. I set her in the back seat and she buckled herself up. As I hop in and we begin to drive to the ice cream shop, she asks a question...

"Is it normal to have two dads?"

I tensed up, but answered calmly. "Well, no. Its not. But it can be! Some people in the world have two dads, so it's, special. Everyone is unique and special in their own way." I explain.

"My mommy and daddy told me that when two people love each other that are the same gender they're bad people... And that I should never talk to them." Sara sighed.

"Well they aren't your parents anymore, now are they? When your with us, don't even REMOTELY listen to what they told you. We're your parents now, and we're gonna be the best damn parents you'll ever have." I say, crossing my arms.

"Babe!" Tyler gasps. "What?" I ask. "Don't cuss in front of her." He muttered. "Its okay. My parents always cussed and yelled at each other. So I'm used to it." Sara said.

Man, she had some really sucky parents...

Tyler POV:

Once we finished eating our icecreams, we headed home, then when we were out of the car, Sara looked at the house in astonishment. "Wow..." She stared.

"Cool, right? You even have your own room." I smile. "Really?!" She squeals, jumping up and down. "Let's go then!!" She runs to the door, and right when I opened it she ran inside and inside her room.

"Whoa!" Mark stopped as she almost ran into him. "Sorry, Mark." Ethan giggled nervously. "Is that your new kid?" Mark asked, smiling wide.

"Yes... Hold on." I smile, taking Ethan's hand and taking him into her room. She gasps, looking around.

"Oh my GOSH!! I love it soooo MUCH!" She squeals, running over and hugging us. We laugh, hugging her back. "I love you guys!" She smiles, climbing onto her bed and jumping up and down. "Love you too, sweetie. Now, do you wanna meet your uncle and aunts?" Ethan asks. "Sure!" She replies, jumping down and over to us.

We lead her out, and she seems to get shy very quickly. She clings to my leg, looking up at Mark. He crouches down, smiling. "Hi there! I'm Mark. What's your name?" He asks. "Sara.." Sara whispers. "Well Sara, I'm you're uncle. And these are your aunts, Amy and Kathryn." He points them out.

Sara let's go of my leg, smiling softly, now getting used to Mark.

"Hi Sara!" Amy smiles, hugging her. Sara freezes for a moment, but soon hugs back. Nuzzling her face into Amy's shoulder, her soft pink hair tickling her nose. After Amy pulls away, Sara walks over to Kathryn. "Hiya!" She giggles, ruffling Sara's hair.

Sara giggles as well, moving away after Kathryn was done.

"I love all of you! I've never been this happy before." She smiles. "We love you too honey. You wanna see our dog?" Mark asks. She gasps, her eyes brightening. "A DOG?!"

"Yes! She's outside."

Ethan and I nod at them, walking Sara outside. Chica sees her, and runs over. Sara immediately hugs her, which we awe at. Chica licks her cheek, then her lips.

"She likes you!" Ethan giggles, and I wrap an arm around him. Chica rolled over, letting Sara rub her tummy. I kissed Ethan's forehead. "I love you..." I whisper.

He smiles. "Love you too yah goof."

~ ~ ~

It was getting late when we heard Sara yawn, her eyes slowly fluttering shut.

I smile, picking her up bridal style and taking her to her room.

The white paint we used to make the stars, was glow in the dark. So she could see the light dots covering her roof in the night.

I set her down and Ethan walked in, covering her up.

"I love you, Sara." I whisper, kissing her cheek.

"Love you too, dad..." She yawns, closing her eyes.

"Sweet dreams." Ethan kissed her forehead, making her smile softly. "Thanks... Daddy..." And with that, she fell asleep. We walked out of her room, cracking the door.

Since everyone was going to bed, Ethan and I crawled into ours. "Goodnight, TyTy..." Ethan muttered, kissing my lips gently and cuddling against me. I smirk, wrapping my arms around him.

"Goodnight, Eth..."

Done! Geez. Sorry it took so long. I didn't have time to work on it... Its 1AM. uGH. Love you all! 💕

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