What happened?!

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Ethan POV:

I kissed Tyler goodbye, along with Sara. I had said I would go out to get coffee, and I would get Sara a milkshake. As I walked down the street, I was looking at my phone. Then when I looked up I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Woops. Sorry, sir!" I apologized, but they just replied by punching me in the face. I couldn't tell who it was because they had on a hoodie and it was too dark to see their face in it.

I held my cheek, squeaking.

"Bitch." They growled, walking past me. I stood there, astonished. Tears began to fill my eyes from the pain, but I blinked them away, beginning to walk.

I walked into the coffee shop, asking for two black coffee's. (Idk wut they like to drink their coffee like. Ugh-)

"Sir, are you okay? Your cheek looks a little swollen.." The cashier said, worry crossing over her face. My eyes widened slightly, not knowing it was swollen. "Oh! Y-Yes, I'm fine." I smiled, quickly grabbing my drinks and leaving. (He paid. Chill-)

I took my time, hoping the bruise would heal even a little, but it didn't. I walked home, a frown on my face as I heard my phone constantly buzzing. I walked in holding the coffees and milkshake, and was immediately hugged from the legs. Sara...

Tyler rushed over as well, caressing my face.

"Ethan! Where have you been!? Why didn't you answer my texts?" Tyler asked hurriedly. "And what happened to your FACE!?"

I started sobbing, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugs me back, and Sara started crying. Which makes me feel even worse. Tyler and I fall to the ground so we can hug her too. I set the drinks in the drink holder down as well.

Sara and I were sobbing, while Tyler only frowned, hugging us tightly. I kissed Sara on the head and Tyler on the cheek.

After we calmed down, Tyler picked me up bridal style. "Come on, baby.." He whispered. I rubbed the top of Sara's head before Tyler carried me to our bedroom.

"What happened?" He asked, caressing my cheek. I sighed shakily, resting my hand on top of his. "I was walking to get our drinks, and I was on my phone. Then as I was walking I accidentally bumped into someone. I said sorry, but then they just-" I paused, looking down. "They punched me in the face, called me a bitch, then walked away..." I finished.

Tyler's eyes were showing anger, but sorrow. He kissed my cheek where the bruise was. "I'm sorry... If you encounter the person again, let me know. 'Cause I'll find their ass." Tyler reassured, making me giggle.

"Okay..." I muttered, kissing him softly on the lips. He returned the gesture, cupping my cheek.

After a moment, we left the room and found Sara sitting at the kitchen table. Slurping away at her milkshake. We smiled, walking over and joining her at the table after grabbing our coffee's.

Hey!! I'm not dead! So so SO sorry this took so long. Schools just really hard rn, especially math. UGGH. I'll try updating soon. But it might not be often. Just wait till winter break in a couple months, maybe a little less. Love you all! ❤

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