school sucksssassssss

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-i'm taylor i'm 18 i have one sister and one brother. my bestfriend is my sister even though we fight all the time and corbyn besson he's always been like a brother to me. jack avery is kinda my crush we talk a lot but in a different way it's confusing. zach herron is also a really good friend of mine we really only got close because if the band why don't we. daniel is also one of my bestfriends if corbyn wasn't like my brother daniel would probably be my favorite but corbyn has always been my favorite. -

i woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. i hate mondays. monday's suck.

i get up and take a shower i decided to day is my lazy day i threw on sweat pants and a crop top put a bit of makeup on and walked out the door.

"SHOTGUN" lex screamed out

"no you had it yesterday i get it!" i yelled back

"sike bitch she called it don't be so slow next time" jonah laughed out making me so pissed

"whatever fuck you. don't forget to pick corbyn up" i said. we take corbyn to school every monday bc he doesn't feel like driving himself. same with me though i could drive my car but that's so much work.

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(btw i forgot to say this is what i'm wearing & ik that's not taylor but whatever

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(btw i forgot to say this is what i'm wearing & ik that's not taylor but whatever. )^

"BEANNNNN HELLO !" i yelled as corbyn jumps in the car

"i'm great!" corbyn yells back

-first hour is the class we all have together. we all sit right by each other. it's lit asf. the order goes , me jack corbyn jonah zach daniel then lex. we get in trouble all the time but they don't bother moving us because we'll still get in trouble 😂-

"hey cutie you look cute today"-jack attempted to compliment me

"jack don't even try i look like a trash can so get outta here with yo nonsense lookin ass" i said back with hella attitude. sorry it's mondayyyy

"hey! i don't really care for the attitude so drop it why don't ya!"-jack hisses back. this is what i mean he takes control and it's such a turn on i love it when he bosses me around it's so hot.

"well you're being annoying as hell so " i say kinda getting scared what he's going to do.

"you better fucking drop the damn attitude!"-jack says sounding very pissed

"or what ?!"- i say already knowing what would happen

"you know because i've done it before and you hated it so watch your mouth kid i'm serious!!"-jack says making me scared asf. he's so hot when he's mad but i have to do what i'm told

"ok i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you mad..."-i say quietly and nervously

"that's much better!"-jack says

"zach are you and laney still talking ?"-i ask

"fuck no she's a slut"-zach says sounding disgusted

"oh shit. i'll come over tonight and you can tell me all about it"-i say knowing jack will hate the idea

"okay!"-zach says excited zach really likes that we're friends now we use to hate each other but now we're close and he wants to become besties 😂

"wow."-jack says

"oh fuck off you'll be fine i can hang with other people!"-i say

"okay don't say anything i'm sorry i didn't mean that i meant can i go to zachs after school?"-i say because believe it or not jack can get violent and i love him in all and i love it when he's demanding and shit but sometimes he gets to mad

"taylor fucking stop you don't ask him for permission you ask your damn parents and sometimes me. jack can suck a fucking dick i don't care what kind of feelings y'all got. you don't gotta kiss his ass to be with him. so fucking stop. if he gets all mean and shit i'll beat the shit outta him. he knows"-jonah hissed at me not to loud bc were in class

"that's true sorry jonah "-i say

-ight gucci fam first chapter downnnnnn. i'll try posting every night but i can't really promise you anything. and i know so far this don't got shit to do with the title but you just gotta wait my doods-

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