chapter 2

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"WAKE YO UGLY ASS UP"-lex yells out scaring me half to death

"it's Saturday go back to bed "-i whisper back

i decide why not get up and go to the beach today bc i mean the beach is lit. i text in the group chat that has me, jack,zach,corbyn,jonah,daniel,and lex in it

-hotties 2k17-
sister🌹-hey sexy thangs good morningggg
me - we should all go to the beach
jo✌🏻- sure i'm bored
dani- same lets go
f boi- ight sounds fun
zachy😘- why not
me- okay get ready and meet me there in 45 mins hoe bags

i get to the beach and everyone is already there. my and lex tan while the guys do random ass shit. all of a sudden daniel runs up to me and gives me a note. i read it.

hey taylor i've always had a big crush on you but you've always liked jack. your so funny and nice and gorgeous you make me smile nonstop. i just want you to know you mean the world to me and i love you. i've always wanted to tell you this so yeah hopefully this doesn't ruin anything between us just thought you should know.

i run up to him and jump in his arms and tell him i love him. truth is i have always liked him i just kinda liked jack too and never thought daniel thought this way

"really?" he yells out


then we were kissing.

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