Seven: Betrayal

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He found himself suddenly being shoved into a dark room. "Hey!" He called out, quite frightened by the malevolent look spread over his friend's face. He had never seen him like this before. He had followed Henry back to their hideout, before suddenly being forced into that room. "Why are you doing this to me? This is a joke, right? Hahaha.." His voice trailed off into a weak laugh. Henry's expression was dead serious. "Henry, why would you do this? I thought we were friends. All these years..." Jeremy's voice trailed off, and he sounded the weakest he had ever been in his life. He was genuinely confused. A smirk spread over Henry's face now, quite unattractively. "Friends? Hah, don't make me laugh." He scoffed. "I know about your little secret, Jeremy. I know about how you betrayed us for that man. You probably ratted us out now. We don't need you anyways." Jeremy was shocked now, an expression of anger contorted with utter confusion. "I did not! He just curved the law and forced me to stay with him!" "Then why didn't you take him down by force?"

His friend's voice was not at all like himself. It seemed more.. grown up in a sense, not caring that harm could be done to others. Vincent's words surfaced in Jeremy's mind again. Something about his friends being criminals for want... His eyes widened and he suddenly shot another glare at the man who loomed at the doorway. He didn't respond. He didn't take Vincent down because.. Well.. Because.. The man didn't deserve to be attacked.

"You have too good of a heart, Jeremy." Henry growled. "I am the leader of this group now. If you wanted to sincerely keep doing what we have been doing, you would have not given a fuck about what happened to others, and only what happened to us." Jeremy's hazel optics were wide with shock once more. All of this was coming too fast. Henry ran a hand through his hair, a deep sigh escaping him. "Well, it was such a pain in the ass to actually fake everything in front of our little group anyways. I've never really cared for you. You were just a tool." He stepped towards the male, who stood on rigid limbs in the empty room. "They're out somewhere right now. I told them I would look for you and update them tomorrow. Turns out I did find you!" He chuckled. "And wearing another guy's clothes." He spoke with disgust. He walked over to where the male stood and grabbed one cheek with his hand, forcefully tilting his head in his direction. His voice came out as a low, frightening whisper. "The thing is... I won't update them tomorrow. This will be the last time that you will ever see anyone. Because I'm going to kill you. See, I was never a part of your damn group. I was just playing along, waiting for the right moment. You were always my target." "Wh-Why?" Jeremy exclaimed, his hands balling into fists. "Why am I a target to you? I've never done anything to you!"

Henry flashed him a sly smile, his naturally slouching, tall frame still blocking the exit. "Your family did something to mine. I've been ordered to do this. Your old man and momma have totally crossed the line with my parents' group; they've caused them great shame and hatred. So now they want to get back at them and exterminate everything they hold dear-." "Hold dear?" Jeremy scoffed now, laughing a cruel laugh. "That's some sick joke. They beat me and were drug addicts and alcoholics. They would've killed me, not any one else." Henry chuckled and patted the other's cheek, mockingly. "You're so naive. Do you really think they would've treated you kindly, due to the situation they themselves were in? Think about why they would fill themselves with drugs and alcohol." He pulled out a knife, and kicked the male to the wall. Jeremy slammed into the hard concrete, glancing upwards with steeled eyes and a tight-set jaw. "I have to give you credit for wiping that childishly frightened look off of your face." Henry smirked. He bent down to the male who was propped against the wall, and his hand crawled up the other's shirt, teasing. A tremor ran through the other's spine as he sat there in silence. He would not show weakness now.

But... how could he not? With what he was doing?

For once, he was afraid.

He had been betrayed.

And he had betrayed.

Hazel eyes squeezed shut, and he felt a pair of lips atop his collarbone. A tongue that was not his own snaked out and lapped at the smooth skin. His shaking hands balled into fists. "S-STOP!" He yelled as a hand neared southern. He threw a fist at the older male, his fist making immediate contact with the tender flesh of the other's face. The male fell back with a surprised gasp, wiping his mouth and giving Jeremy a look that would cut right through him if it had been a weapon. Footsteps were heard outside, as if others were in the hideout. Henry cursed under his breath. "Shit, they're back. I have to go now. You're lucky you get to live for a day or so more. If I don't kill you, then starvation and dehydration will get the best of you." He murmured with an acidic smile, eyes squinting malevolently. "Either way, you die." He quickly pulled rope and a rag from the shelf behind him, and tackled the male to the ground, pinning his arms behind him.

It was no use. No matter how much Jeremy struggled, his own strength did not surpass the older male's. Henry wrestled him into submission, just long enough to tie his arms behind his back roughly with the rope. Then, came the rag. Yanking the other's head back roughly by his hair, Henry made eye contact with his same fox-like smile and gagged the male, tying the ends of the rope to the back of his head. "It would be a shame if you were to be noticed." Grunts and growls of frustration escaped the mouth of the enraged, gagged male, as he struggled with the ropes binding him, on his knees on the ground. Henry smirked once more, and, giving the male another kick to make him collapse onto the ground, left the room and closed the door shut behind him.

Curled up on the cold, hard ground, Jeremy recognized the feeling that crept up to him.

Fright. Immense fright.

He felt just like when he was a child.

His vision was blurred by a new set of oncoming tears brimming at the edges of his eyes.

'Vincent, please... Come... save me....'

He had never wanted the male more.

And it was then, that he realized how weak he was, lying on the cold, hard, barren ground.

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