0.8 (edited)

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dear ema,

i was planning to tell you when we meet.

see? i am right :-).

that doesn't count!! you're just saying that because you don't feel like arguing so that means you still think flirting and being nice are the same :P.

i guess my dad being a pastor is all right? he gets on my nerves sometimes, though. how did you get your phone taken away?

anonymous x


ps; what is your favorite color?

pss; hazel and gus are... acquaintances who met at a group kinda thing -i don't want to spoil it for you- and they just have a word which is 'okay'. isaac and monica are not really the same but they are?? they have 'always'.

pls vote bby's i'm v close to 1K votes double update in a few minutes aye

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