Chapter One

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I woke up in a small white room.

'Huh?' I thought. 'Where am I?' I looked around, sitting down in the corner was a girl. She had an orange gemstone on her chest, and an orange, tan and brown color palette. Her long, slender, stature sat slouching in the ground, like a doll that had been thrown to the other side of the room. I couldn't see her hair because of her sharp, square helmet, giving her a no attitude aura about her. She wore a jumpsuit that cut off at the shoulders and mid thigh, with a belt that had all sorts of small gadgets decorating it, the belt matched her cuffs as well. She's a Steven Universe gemsona, no doubt.

She opened her eyes and looked up at me as her body straightened. I inhaled. "Um, hello." I waved at her.

"Oh." The gem took one long look at me and got a look of confusion and slight discomfort on her face. "I'm sorry, is something wrong?" I asked her.

"No, nothing's wrong." She said as she eyed me down. "Is there something wrong with me?" I asked, worriedly.

"Not at all." She replied.

Her sarcastic sounding response made me anxious. I thought that maybe she looked at me like that because of my bright design. I had wings, a rainbow tail, miss matching eyes and pink hair. I never really loved my design per say, but OCs can't change the way they look unless the artist decides to change them.

Suddenly, the wall in front of us slid open, and standing there was a large cat with a lab coat. She had purple fur and large ears. She had darker purple patterns on her tail and ears, and was standing on two legs.

She cleared her throat. "W-welcome to the OC world!" She declared. "The what?" I asked. "The O-OC world is where for-forgotten OCs, like you t-two, come to live. There are m-many different types of OCs around here, and they're all j-just lovely! Al-l-low me to sh-show you around."

She gestured to us to follow her and that we did, (the gemsona making sure to keep her distance from me.) The cat took us into a room where many other people were waiting. It was jam packed and we just filled in the last few seats. Suddenly the lights went out and a projector started playing a movie on the wall.

It talked about how this world worked and all the things here. And I realized that this place was so fascinating! There were different regions of this world, like the Fandom Unit, where
OCs from fandoms lived, and then there was the Storyline Unit, where OCs that had their own stories went, (and how depending on how many characters there are, the characters that are part of a story live together.) And finally the Indifferent Unit, where OCs that we're made for the sake of making an OC go.

The movie explained how these units were not closed off, and how you can visit people in other units. But you cannot live in a unit other than your own. I was confused about all of this, but I knew I'd get the hang of it soon. The movie eventually ended and the lights came on and everybody started talking again.

I looked around, nervous about all of this, and I took notice of the guy sitting next to me, who was biting his nails. His hair was black, with a red streak running down it. He had snake like pupils on top of his cold, ungiving eyes. His fangs were following in the light as he chewed on his finger nails, there was a dark, almost bloody looking, scar running down his left eye. He was wearing red fingerless gloves, a black trench coat, a black button up shirt and a red vest on top of that. He had gray skin with little freckles on his cheeks, and on the top of his head he had little dark red horns popping out of his messy, unkept hair that nearly covered his right eye.

"You lookin' for something?." He said coldly to me. 'Oh god! He noticed me staring!' "Uh, no, I'm just looking looking at my surroundings. This is all so weird huh?" I asked him.

"Yeah I guess." He said in a dull tone. Then he stuck his hand out at me and said, "Name's Ember. You?" I hesitated for a second, contemplating whether I should shake his hand or not. "Janna Lee, but call me J-Lee." I finally answered while taking his hand.

I looked at him, questioningly. "Are you a demon, or something?" Ember took his hand back and leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees, looking away from me. "Yeah. The unofficial prince of demons, actually, but I hate my title." He looked away from me. "Heh, isn't my backstory pathetic? It's so cliche,"

Ember looked up at me again. "So, what's your tragic backstory, princess?"

''Tragic backstory? Princess?' "Why would you assume that I have a depressing background?" I asked, almost offended. He smirked and said "You're a Mary Sue, so you have a really sad past, right?" I furrowed my brows and replied with "No, my childhood was really nice. I-I mean yeah, I got picked on because of my odd appearance, but it's not like it was terrible."

"Lemme guess," Ember leaned back on his chair. "Your anxieties don't effect you whatsoever?" 'God, this guy is really annoying.' "Yes, it does. I have trouble going out and going to unfamiliar people and places. And I can't ever stop thinking!"

"Okay, sure, whatever. Tell me another thing about yourself."

"I like to dance, I've been a dancer since I was nine. I hate seafood, I think baking is pretty fun, my-"

Ember put a finger to my lips. "Okay, okay I get it, you have a personality. I guess we're in the same boat though, I don't expect much respect from people, seeing as how I look. The person in my cell when I woke up and looked at me like I was a freak. What makes it even worse is that my creator gave me a really lame backstory to go along with my look. I'm the son of the demon king, and apparently I'm 'evil',"He used air quotes. "And I want to take my fathers throne to prove to everyone that I'm better than what they think of me."

Ember leaned back into his chair. "Super unimaginative, right?" "I don't think so," I admitted. "I think you can discover something new about yourself! After all, we're not being controlled by someone anymore." I said, trying to be hopeful.

"Eh, maybe."

The door that led outside of the room we were in opened, and a man with sea foam green wings stepped in. He yelled into the crowd, "OKAY, I NEED EVERYBODY WHO WAS INSPIRED BY A TV SHOW, A MOVIE, A MUSICAL, A VIDEO GAME, OR ANYTHING OF THAT NATURE TO COME OUT WITH ME!"

A large section of the group stood up and walked out, there were about 35 of us left in the room, then the purple cat from before walked in and said "Al-alright then, th-the rest of you guys are with m-me." We all stood up and walked outside with her, there was another guy standing outside, his hair was replaced with fire, but other than that, he looked like a normal human. He told the boys in our group to follow him, and they obeyed.

The purple cat led the rest of us through a building, explaining a few things about life here on the way, we stopped at a large glass wall. Outside of the window was the place where we'd be living our new lives, and I couldn't help but stare at it in awe.

The city was beautiful, different parts of it were painted different colors, there was a section painted pink, and one that was blue, there were colors and buildings as far as I could see.

'I think I'm gonna enjoy living here.'

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