White Pages

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Turning the pages
Same old story

Flash backs while escaping
From the sweet cages

Warm yellow smiles
Pale blue skies
Polaroids, shiny eyes
Laughters but
Same old cries

It felt so wrong
But meant to be right

Thought you've memorized
All the bright signs
All the white lines
But you've already
The words underlined
The same story of yours
Those old words
That you've once told
The girl
That looked like you
The whole book
Written by you

Missed the mystery
Missed the twister me
Forgot the old elf
Ignoring my own self
Finding out the signs
Erasing the lines

There are no pages, no cages
There are no memories, no faces

And never a book like that
And the words in my mind
Now they're all twisted

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