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To you, I'm just a stranger behind a computer screen spilling everything out. But im about to tell you everything, im going to let you in on things even my very best friend lacks the knowlage about. 

Im not going in to too deep, way too much time, that i simply lack. For, i truley am a busy person, constantly  winddling my time fastinating over boys who could care less, and being on the verge of killing either myself, or everyone around me. Its a daily struggle, really.

But, i will just tell you basic staples of my childhood/life so far.

List of boring shit my life has consisted of. (so far.)




Getting high at a very young age

Getting bullied

Teachers hating me

Doing things with boys that are bad for me

Fucking up everything i touch, and hating everything i stand for.

Boom. Instant synopsis of my putrid fucking wasting-away life.

God damn, i wish i could just die. 

But tats the thing, i could randomly just die right now, this very moment, as im typing this, i could just drop dead out of nowhere, for this story to never pbe publish to the manipulated, naked human eyes. And i do constantly, need i add, wish, and try to die. Now, i do not believe im quite ready to expose all my lifes shit-fest puddle of enjoyment. Oh, ah-ha, no, you do not get to indulge in that "fuckin' peachy" juicy information just yet. Yay.

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