Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Matt!" Edd hissed lightly. "You can't fit too- this chair is made for one- oOF!" Matt had sat down on his smaller boyfriend.

"See? Now we both fit."

"You're..crushing me."

Matt shrugged, looking at the computer screen. "SO, How does the magic box work?"

"It's not even a bo-"

"Edd- how does it work?"

Edd grumbled lightly, reaching his hands over to put in the password as he kissed Matt's cheek. "You should've let me sit on you."

"You wanna switch?"

"Yeah- uh, yeah."

In a matter of seconds they had switched their position, Edd sitting snugly on Matt's lap as he typed the location whereas he knew Tord lived, them being old friends and all. He clicked on the news tab as a whole hell of shit came up: to people missing, to murders. Matt seemed to stiffen up slightly, holding onto Edd.

"Hey- Matt. Look at this, they said a blue-hooded male was spotted on the scene of a car blowing up? It says that the victim had its throat slit before the car was lit aflame. A local Norwegian by the name, Todd had been there on the scene to witness, but quickly came to the assumption to run to the police station." He read aloud, looking back at Matt then back at the screen. "Todd remembers seeing a blue-hooded male who seemed to have a lightish brown hair when he ran past a streetlight."

Matt stiffened. "That couldn't be- Tom, You know...I bet a lot of people would-"

"It was me."

Edd and Matt both turned around quick, shocked to see Tom standing at the door as if he witnessed everything.

"I-I had to- I needed the money to- to come here.." Tom started rambling, not looking at them once. "I-I would..I wouldn't hurt you guys- I promise.."

Edd had been in full disbelief. "You? You wouldn't even kill a spider! I-It can't be you..Tom- tell me this is a joke. This- You're not like this.."

Tom glanced back, shutting the door behind him. "I-I know, it's just a lot of stuff happened...and- something happened to Tord. And I don't know how to get him back-" Tears had started to stream. "I-I never realized that I miss much.."

"I thought- That was Tord.." Edd spoke, looking at Tom.

"That monster could never be my boyfriend. I-I'll tell you- everything but you two can't say anything or act suspicious around- Red. He'll find out, from your behaviour and he'll- he'll hurt me." He lifted up his hoodie to show the scar of which Red had stabbed him before. "Just- Listen.."

Edd and Matt had been intrigued by the events that happened to Tom, feeling protectiveness over his friend. They listened to ever bit, well, Edd did at least. His mom senses where defiantly kicking in now, hearing all the work and pain Tom went through.

"We have to do something." Edd said, once Tom finished.

"Do what? Kill him? You- We...we can't I can't live without Tord-" Tom protested

"We could defeat Red." Matt pitched in, shocking both Edd and Tom. When has Matt ever had a good idea?

"But- I-I don't can't hurt him because we'll hurt Tord.."

There was a short silence in between the three.

"Tord, has to face Red. If- If Tord can't defeat him, Tom. We have to get rid of the monster, before he hurts other people." Edd stood up, looking at Tom.

"How's Tord- going to defeat him?- Is that even possible?"

"It seems to have a life source with Tom. Whenever Tord is happy and or embracing the good and not living in doubt, Red, seems to grow a sense."

"Weaker? Oh, you humans are always so weak and fragile. I couldn't expect Tom to keep his mouth closed, I'm utterly flattered he told you two." Red stepped into the light, pressing his hand on Tom's shoulder. "He's such a good boy for listening."

"Tom...? What- what does that mean? Tom!" Edd nearly shrieked, looking at Tom who hung his head low.

"H-He told me, to tell you...I'm so sorry Edd." Tom felt tears brim his eyes. "He was going to hurt Tord! Heck, even you two! I had to, im sorry I'm so sorry."

Red ran his fingers against Tom's neck. "Both of you, up on your feet."

Edd slowly processed what was occurring, standing on his feet followed by Matt.

"I'm going to give you a choice, you can either kill each other, come with me and Thomas which is going to end up in death because Tom is useless, or, kill me?" Red flashed his fangs before pulling out a loaded gun, handing it to Edd. "I'm tord, remember that." He said as he stepped closer to the gun. "Whatever is your choice."

Edd gripped the gun with a shaky hand. "You're not Tord. And you will never be him." And like that, a gunshot rang through the room.

This sucked I'm sorry it was rushed I'm sorry oof okay I have to go seeya


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