K & Y

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Kazuki gets inside the house of Aoi, he saw how broken Aoi after the party. He comes closer to the man, petting his hair and asking what's wrong. Aoi choose to be silent instead he fell asleep faster on Kazuki laps. Kazuki knew what is going on to Aoi and there is one man who caused him in chaos, Uruha.

Pressing his lips tightly, he takes Aoi phone and insisted to call Uruha but he accidentally saw the message of Uruha telling him that they are end of everything. Kazuki had knew Aoi for so long and with a strong arms, he pulls Aoi up on the couch and make him lie properly on the couch. He takes out his phone, dialled Reita number.

"Aaa, Reita-san, I am with Aoi now, he's sleeping. Yes.. yes.. I will be here until he awake." The line went dead and he sighed. Looking at the mess Aoi did, he shakes his head. "I pet a big baby.." He had to clear up Aoi mess. One by one, start from the beer bottles and the flying magazine around.


Kazuki awakes when his alarm phone beeping. He actually sleeping with his head on the dining table. He yawns as he check on Aoi, he still asleep. Almost five years not in the band and made himself busy with a new career path, that made him capable as a chef. He learnt from Kai, the leader of the GazettE. Cooking is his passion and if The GazettE disbanded one day, he would be a chef. That's how he remembered what Kai said. While he preparing the breakfast, he heard a foot steps from behind him. Aoi clears throat and Kazuki turn around. There.. Aoi still Aoi. The person he had fall in love long time ago, secretly. Aoi know he had feeling for him but the chance never come. "You are becoming chef now?"

"You.. okay? Last night Reita.." Kazuki turn around placing the plate with sandwich on it on the table.

"Reita.. that guy never think before he speak." Aoi lit up his cigarette but Kazuki takes it away. "You should stop smoking right now, you are forty two, Yuu Shiroyama." Kazuki pulls the chair, takes his seat in front of Aoi as Aoi do the same thing.

"Uruha.. how is him?" Kazuki try to mentioned Uruha and he is glad this time Aoi can speak in a manners, not like last time when he mentioned Uruha after they break up, Aoi will start throw things.

"He's fine. We both agree to break up." Kazuki only nods and a bit smiles. Not because of their break up but Aoi at least had think with maturity and of course with brain. "Thank you for coming and worry about me."

"I came because of Byou actually, at the same time Reita suddenly contact me and so I thought, I got to kills two birds with one stone." Kazuki laughs.

"I am not a bird, Kazuki." Aoi smiles and that made Kazuki glad. "Why Byou?"

"Byou? oh.. we are on a discussion to create a new band, I don't know.. music is my passion but I have new path to walk on, business management." They start to eat slowly, discussing about everything and little did Aoi know, Kazuki still care about him. They chattering, flirting in which Kazuki replied with only a smiles. Kazuki already accept if Aoi just looked at him as junior in PSC.

"Kaz.." The tone that Aoi used long time ago, he heard it back. "Are you married?" The question made Kazuki cough and choked with food. Aoi panic and holds Kazuki up, wrapping his arm around that body and jump up with him. The food came out and Aoi keeps say sorry few times to Kazuki.


That evening, Aoi look at Kazuki sleeping form. Kazuki had did his best to babysit him and Aoi only smiles. He caresses Kazuki hair and kissing his forehead. He can still feel love from Kazuki towards him. He looks at the fingers of Kazuki, full of jewelleries that he gave long time ago. He wore it because of him, not because of Taujan brand. He should move on from Uruha because the love spark gone and he also feel the same. It is a bit hurt but how about Kazuki? He secretly loves him and never stops support him. He remember last message he received from Byou.

'Kazuki loves you, more than he ever confessed in public. You can look at him as an idiot but he never stops idolized you, your name is in his heart Aoi, not me, not others.'

Should he give chance to Kazuki? He afraid Kazuki will think he is just a place for Aoi to have someone to lean on. Soon, he received a message from Uruha.

'I'm sorry for everything. Thank you again.'

He wanted to reply Uruha but he doesn't have any words. He feels mesmerized with Kazuki who is sleeping peacefully on his couch. Aoi goes back to his bedroom, trying to have a short nap but he can't do that. The image of Kazuki during their PSC time suddenly coming. His laughs, his jokes, his flirting mode towards his bandmates and his shyness towards him. Aoi only smiles. Could he had fall in love with Kazuki?


Few months after that incident, Aoi become cheerful. He become optimistic and work as a normal Aoi and Reita glads, his choices to call Kazuki for help is the best thing he ever did. He plans to make surprises by visiting Kazuki new bar, Lagoon. No one knows what he had plan but it is something good for sure. Kazuki had asked help from Reika, Kazuki best friend since PSC to make sure on that day, Kazuki not going anywhere. Arriving at the club, Aoi not wearing any make up, he only put a simple cap, plain black long sleeve and blue jeans. With something inside his pocket, he had decide to gives chance to move on.


"Kazuki.. listen.. it's been fifteen years.." Byou sighed, hold Kazuki hand.

"I know, that's why I decide to only love him." Kazuki slowly remove Byou hand, smiles at him to reassure he is fine.

"Give us chance, Kaz.. Give me the chance. I know I am not rich like before.."

"Byou.. it is not because of wealth, I love Aoi, even he is not with me, I still love him, no matter what happened. I can't look others the same like I looked at him. If we are together, there will no happiness because my heart, only have Yuu Shiroyama. I don't want we end up hurting each other. I hope you understand why I can't be with others." Kazuki pats Byou shoulder, giving him a comfort but Byou still pleading, he wants a chance. He pushed Kazuki body on the wall, pining him but Kazuki still relaxed. It is not the first time Byou had treat him like this. If he can't get Kazuki heart, Kazuki body is enough for him to release the anger.

A pair of eyes only hold for anger. He needs to know how much Kazuki loves him. That's Aoi, standing not so far only to watch the jrock love drama from ScReW.

"Please.. a chance for us.." Byou still whispering, sometimes he licks the skin of Kazuki and Kazuki only say no. "No.. I love Aoi.." Kazuki start to sobbing when he remembers last time how happy he is when he met Aoi. "Yuu.. Yuu.." Half panting, a hand roughly pulls Byou away and Kazuki sight replaced with a pair of dark eyes. He remembered the face and a few tears roll down from his eyes. "You are still a baby.." Aoi death glares at Byou then. "You should respect when people say no to your request and Kazuki.." He holds Kazuki by wraps his arm around his waist. ".. He is my baby boyfriend. I love him so much and you don't have to worry, nothing bad will happen to him only few marks of love over his skin." Kazuki smack Aoi's chest and Kazuki only laughs.

"I'm sorry.. Kazuki.." Byou sighed, he had to admit Kazuki words are correct. Kazuki is no longer alone, his heart have Aoi and even Aoi would no longer with him, Aoi is his happiness and he should learn to let go of Kazuki. Byou leaves the place and Aoi now focus on Kazuki. "You never told me you come!"

Aoi only silent and cornered Kazuki. "Do you really mean it when you say you love me, Kaz?"

"I.. I.." Kazuki slowly nods. "I am sorry.. to have a feeling towards you. Please don't ask me to erase you, I could not afford to do that." Kazuki sighed, look at Aoi and Aoi takes off a wooden carved box named Kaz. "Turn around baby.." Kazuki follow his instruction, feeling something lingered around his neck and he turn back to Aoi.

"What is this Aoi?"

"A chain called promise. Special design from Pulse collection." Caressing his cheek, Aoi placed a soft kisses on Kazuki lips, he knew the answer from Kazuki and Kazuki knew what is Aoi intention this time. He can feel the sincerity and this time he can smiles with tears, his love replied.

"I love you, Kaz." Aoi hugs Kazuki as Kazuki still shocked with the sudden confession. There's a loud clap coming and it is Reika.

"Yo dude, finally you have your dreaming senpai." Reika laughs.

"Shut up, take as much as you want out there and leave us alone!" Kazuki pushes Reika out from the exclusive room and locked the door. Reika shakes his head as he can heard few moans appear as he walked off to get his rewards.

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