Well I'm a senior now! It's going well a lot of shit went on until now, I had 8 friends and now I have 2! Aha, you grow up and find out whose really your friend, it's life and I'm more than over it but you know, I'm still wanting to meet more people, I'm trying not to be an introvert anymore! I'm actually making friends and it's awesome I'm being me and it's great I don't have to be someone I'm not to satisfy others! I did that a lot to make people happy, I didn't care about my self like at all and I realized that when I lost a friend of 9 years and left without saying a word, and realized everyone I was hanging out with was just like her! But over the years I grew up that you know I only have one life and I deserve to be happy and make myself happy, and that it's okay to put myself first! Every now and then I think otherwise and that's ok I'm human! I came to accept that ha! But anyways time for the music,
Dread all- sworn in
Live/breathe- sylarn
Soul addiction - sylar
Another brick in the wall- Pink Floyd
Congratulations- post Malone
White inversion-post Malone
A lot on crown the empire again🤘💙But that's about it! Bye dear💗