chapter 6

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(Faith up top)

Zack's pov.

I had almost no sleep last night. Today is the arrival of Faith's brother Michael.

I'm sitting at the kitchen island and poking my fruit. I just don't feel hungry this morning i feel off. I glanced up to the clock to see its almost 9. Faith should have been up already but i don't want to wake her from her slumber so i wil rather wait.

"You should eat Zack you need the strength" Maggie our cook blurts out as she is busy making sandwiches for the kids for school.

"I don't feel like eating" is my only response as she looked at me. Maggie is in her early 40s but she is a sweetheart.

"Why what's wrong sweety?" she asked as she came to stand next to me.

"Honestly i don't know, i just feel... Sick or something." I pleeded as i looked at my ball full of fruit. Pineapple, strawberries, apples and watermelon all cutten up.

"Well then you should let yourself get checked out" she said as she passed me a glass of orange juice. I thanked her for it.

"I am going to go check on those trouble makers so that they won't be late for school." She muttered as she walks up the stairs. I took a sip of my juice as i kept looking out the window, its a beautiful day today not to hot and not to old just right. Until i heard Maggie scream.

I got of my chair as it fell onto the floor and sprinted up the stairs.

There she stood right in front of Faiths room her hand over her mouth.

"WHAT IS WRONG?" I yellled as i came to the door and then i understood why she screamed. Faith's body lays lifeless on the bed her body white as snow her eyes partly open.

"No no" i muttered to myself as i made my way to her side. Touching her skin was horrible its so cold no warmth coming from her. I picked her up bridal style as i walked with her down the stairs. She isn't breathing at all.

After a 2 minutes run and walk to the hospital i burst through the door looking to my right and left for anyone to come and help me but there was no one to be seen.

"Matthew i need help. Anyone?!" I screamed my lungs out as Doc Matthew's comes around the corner running. His face only showing confusion as he helped me carry her to a near by bed.

"What happened?" He asked as he tired to feel for a pulse.

"I don't know! Maggie found her like this!" I yelled at him i was getting frustrated. I don't know why but i feel attracted to this women and i can't understand why at all.

"SUSAN WE HAVE TO REVIVE HER NOW!" He screamed at one of the nurses as they scattered everywhere to get things that would help. So this means if he can't save her she is dead? Oh God no.

"Do something!" I raised my voice this time and his head snaps to me.

"I am trying but if you keep on yelling at me i won't get to far so shut up and go stand in the corner like a good little boy!" This time he raised his voice at me and i did as what he asked. I took a few steps away from them to give them some space.. I closed my eyes as i prayed to the Moon Goddes to spare her life.

I heard they are muttering about the machine's but i didn't really pay attention.

When i heard the sound of electricity i knew they are trying to revive her but i cannot bare to look. And there was another one but stil nothing.

"300 now" Matthew said and he tried again. And there was the little peeps of the heart monitor going on. She is alive.

"Ok take her to the recovery room i wil come and run some test in a minute" he ordered the nurses as they rolled her into the recovery room and the Doctor turned to me.

"What is wrong with her?" I asked as he just stared at me and shook his head.

"I don't know i am going to run tests now, go tell the Alpha and her brother" he commanded and i only nodded and walkes out the door on my way to the pack house.

Walking onto the front step just when i was about the take the knob the door swings open to reveal Michael standing there.

"Well isn't this a surprise!!!?" He yelled and pulled me into a hug as i happily returned. He wasn't due till 1 this afternoon.

"Hi Mick this is awesome to see you!" I blurted out putting a fake smile on my face.

"You want to see the Alpha?" He asked and i only nodded. He went to the side to give me space to enter and i do.

We walked together up the stairs and i can't help to wonder how am i going to tell him his sister is here but she is in the hospital and can't have geusts now? This is going to be hard.

"Soooo have you found your mate yet Z?" He asked as we walked the last flight of stairs.

"Ah, no not yet." is al i said "and you?".

"No but maybe soon" he muttered as we came to the Alpha's office. I knocked as Alpha said we may enter and we do.

"Morning boys. Zack i see Michael has come early today" he mocks as Mick only laughed at this. I on the other hand only just nodded. And John noticed this.

"Alpha she is in the hospital, you know who. And it doesn't look good" i said flatly as his face fell.

"Oh my what happened?" He asked as we take a seat and i cam see Mick has a confused expression plastered all over.

"MMM AH Michael we need to tell you something and please don't freak out" she said to Mick as mick only nodded and waiting for more.

"Ok were to start...... A few day's ago there was a girl that came into our territory. She was beaten starved and poison with Redlocks for 4 months. She is half rogue but a drifter like yourself. She escaped the rogues after 4 months of torture.. She came to warn us about a rogue attack by the end of the week and i took her in she is truly innocent." Alpha ended

"I found her dead this morning in her bed so i took her to the hospital, luckily they got her back to life. But even though the poison is almost out of her system it still threatens her life" i continued as he just stared and me.

"And what has that to do with me then?" He asked. Well here goes nothing. I went to reply but Alpha has cutten me off.

"Michael it's your sister" he said flatly. And there it is his breathing picked up he stood from his chair.

"How cou- what is her name?!" He raised his voice as i could hear his heart beating faster by the second.

"Faith Cruse" i pleeded and he paled. Tears starts to form in his eyes as he backed up intil the wall.

"Oh God what have i done! I thought she was dead. I have to see her" he shuttered as he went to the door but i stopped him.

"You can't mick she is under alot of tests right now. Please just be patient" i begged and he just nodded his hands going to his hair and pulling. I swear if he fulls any harder he wil full his own hair out.

Wel all took a seat as a silence was all you could hear..

"Soo what do we do about the rogue attack?" Alpha suddenly asked as we look up to him and thats when Michael smoke pure hatred seething throug his voice "We slaughter them!"

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. Please if you want  to send covers my email is open.


Instagram: NienaFianshi

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