5 - The Big Bad Wolf

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The first thing I did was check the laptop. If I had access to the internet, I could contact my gran. She'd come get me. But no. I only had access to the intranet, the school's network. No Google, no Skype. Nothing. Figures. They'd meant it when they said I needed time to assimilate.

I walked over to the fireplace and checked for the gas switch only to discover it was an actual wood burning fireplace. Being a Cali girl, I didn't know how to start a fire with wood and matches. We rarely even needed to turn the heat pump on where I lived.

The bath. Maybe that would help to dissipate some of the cold wrapped around me like an icy blanket. Someone had the foresight to lay out fuzzy pajamas along with socks and underwear. How nice and thoughtful. As much as I would have loved to be rebellious and say screw it, my shivering limbs negated that. I needed to warm up before I froze to death.

Grabbing everything, I headed to the bathroom and was met by a multitude of bubble paraphernalia. I shook my head and turned on the tap, dumping some of the bubble liquid into the running water. The sweet smell of strawberries tickled my nose. How did they know strawberries was my favorite scent? I'd guess the shampoo would smell the same. These people were definitely borderline stalkers.

The hot water felt divine. It started to unthaw me, but I was also left alone with my thoughts. Everything from being humiliated by my boyfriend, to being abducted, to being abandoned hit me with the force of a sledgehammer, right in the gut. I pulled my knees up and wrapped my arms around them, trying to dissipate some of the hurt and the panic. Not that it helped. It only made me more aware of how alone I truly was.

Fairytales. Never would I have dreamed I was some kind of fairytale princess. My dad or my gran didn't so much as even hint I was something more than human. We were mundane for crying out loud. As normal as you can get. Well, except for my step-monster. I just attributed that to her being a bitch. Did she know? I bet she did. It would be just like her to be that vindictive. She was the only person I could say I truly hated and I didn't hate anyone.

Tears slipped out of my eyes and trailed down my cheeks, falling in the rapidly cooling water. I didn't care. I had tonight to be depressed and feel sorry for myself. Jack was right. I couldn't let them see me as weak. Watching shows about Supernaturals on TV taught me that much. Tomorrow I had to be brave, but tonight I fully intended on breaking down and crying my eyes out.

A knock sounded at the door, ruining my plans.

"What?" I grouched, not able to hide the tears in my voice.

"Just wanted to let you know I was here, Princess."

Jack's gruff voice grated on my sore nerves. He didn't want to be here anymore than I did, but for entirely different reasons. He just wanted rid of me.

"Do you want me to start a fire for you?"

"No." I could tell by how he forced the words out, he'd rather do anything but that.

"It's cold in here, Princess. You need to warm up."

Now he sounded irritated. Bully for him.

"I said no."

"Are you crying?"


There was a long pause, like he was debating on whether or not to argue the point. "Well, I'm cold so I'm starting a fire. I asked the kitchen to bring up some food as well. If you're hungry, they'll be plenty."

He moved away from the door and I threw the plastic bottle of bubble bath at it, wishing it was his head. The boy was trying to feed me and warm me up, but not because he wanted to. It was now his duty to keep me safe.

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