{ I stayed up WAY past my bed time on a school night just to make this, I was so damn excited to get this out; SO I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY IT. ^^ That picture though :D }
{Eren's P.O.V}
I was in the kitchen, doing what I usually did, making a big luxurious breakfast for just two people. It wasn't like I had to, but I chose to because I honestly was quite fond of spending my time in the kitchen; Levi would always say my cooking was good, but his face always said otherwise, so I always figured my cooking wasn't all that great but I was almost positive that it would be good this time because I was actually thinking of Levi while cooking and I was putting love, the last ingredient into my cooking.
I turned my head towards the staircase that wasn't too far to my left; at the very bottom of the staircase was a rather short, tired looking Levi. He was wearing his usual pajamas, his boxers and an over sized hoodie that was green and had the high school logo placed on the front of it, and it read 'Ellison Eagles' I sighed but then immediately turned into a blushing mess when I noticed I was wearing a white see threw shirt that went just over my upper thighs, and some thigh high black socks along with boxers that made me look more like a woman.
I quickly turned back to my cooking and acting like I didn't notice him, just so I could get my daily surprise hug and kisses all over my face, which thankfully didn't take Levi long to process; because before I knew it he was clung onto my back and giving me kisses on my neck, cheeks, nose, and my forehead. I sighed into the kisses and the hug that I didn't quite return but it relieved a ton of stress from me.
I let out a sigh that was filled with relief and leaned into his touch a little more while I continued to cook breakfast. After awhile of him just hugging me, he finally let go and I whimpered slightly at the loss of touch. He seemed to notice and turned me around to lay a soft simple kiss on my lips. That's exactly what I always hated, the fact that everything our relationship had, was simple. It was never different from a regular relationship, I wanted our relationship to have everything be special and different from the regulars.
I let a frown appear on my face and continued cooking, I turned to say something to Levi, but he had already vanished. I let out a sigh and just decided to continue cooking.
{Levi's P.O.V}
I let go of Eren and I heard him make a small whine when I had let go, being the loving person I am, decided to give him a little more before I walked off to grab something. I pecked him a couple times on the lips, leaving a simple kiss and then sneaking into the living room when he wasn't looking. I shuffled around the room trying to remember where I had hid the box. I stopped at a bookshelf and scanned threw the books, trying to find the first one that came to mind.
I grabbed a book and set the book down before grabbing a small black box from behind it and putting the book back. I sighed, taking a deep breath and put the box in my sweatshirts pocket. I rubbed my eyes slightly and stretched trying to get all the aches and tiredness out. Finally, I walked back in the kitchen like nothing even happened and twirled my precious Eren to look at me and slowly took off his apron.
"Eren, I have something to ask you, and it's very important."
His eyes shined and he quickly nodded out of curiosity, I took him by the hand and dragged him to the front door. Before we left I pulled one of his thigh high socks and let go making a snapping noise and stuck my tongue out seductively before dragging him outside to the garden. There was a ton of people outside all talking to neighbors or working on gardens, so I decided this was the perfect time.
I stopped and let Eren take everything in for a moment, before I got on one knee and pulled out that same leather black box. He gasped in surprise which I wasn't too surprised about, coming from a shitty brat he always assumed everything. I opened the box slowly.
"Eren, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met, your beautiful green ocean like eyes, to your brown messy hair, and to your slim body; you never cease to surprise me with the things you do. I could never dream of living without you, because I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for you. You taught me how things should really be in life, and showed me so many new colors I was dying to see. Therefor, Eren, will you do the honors, and Marry Me?"
The people that were outside all stared, and immediately Eren hopped into my arms like a excited child and started crying.
"Of course Levi, anything for you!"
The people around us all cheered and congratulated us, and eventually we walked back in the house, I went to go lock the door but I was pulled into a certain someones arms and was squeezed till I felt like my soul could be squeezed out of my body along with my guts.
"I love you so much Levi, I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Yea yea, you're welcome brat."
Eren smiled down at me considering, HE WAS STILL TALLER THAN ME. I sighed and leaned into his arms until I turned around and picked up Eren bridal style. I saw the deep blush that ran across his cheeks as I carried him upstairs to our room and he wrapped his arms around my neck. I threw him on the bed and followed behind him and hugged him close to my chest.
"I love you.."
Eren sounded a bit sad and upset when he said that, which put me in a panicky and worried mode.
"Eren, I love you too, but whats wrong? You sound upset."
And his next words, literally killed me.
"I'm happy Levi, I'm so happy to be with you, but I don't like the fact that our relationship is so simple, so regular. I want it to be different. This doesn't change the way I love you in anyway, I think that you're perfect. Your raven black hair and your smooth pale skin, and the way you look at me with those gray eyes. It's all so perfect."
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I started to cry, I held him closer.
"Eren, I..I..I'm sorry."
"Why are crying, and you shouldn't be apologizing, I still love you, and our relationship can still be simple, I told you when you asked me to marry you, that I'd do anything for you right? Well, i'll even change our relationship and the way I act, weather I like it or not just for you."
I said in a seductive tone which made him blush even more.
"Yes, anything."
And I knew, he was going to regret those words tonight.
{ Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I know I enjoyed writing it. Most of my books are always unedited, but if you see a grammar mistake or something you think I should change, let me know! Also please, be nice, this is one of my first ereri fan-fictions, and I'm trying really hard to make sure it turns out good, I know things are moving pretty fast, which I don't usually like when I'm writing potentially long stories, but bare with me, I hope to make it better. Next chapter will be one of my first smuts I believe, so again bare with me and I hope you enjoy this story!