Chapter 6

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I'm currently on Josh's couch finishing up some of my homework. I really hate algebra. I really hate chemistry. I really hate history. I mean when am I ever going to use this in life. In my opinion all you need to know is how to read and count.

I feel warmth beside me, and turn around to see Josh sitting beside me. He kisses my cheek and lays his head over my shoulder watching me quickly write on my paper.

Once I'm all done I pack everything up and set my backpack aside. I turn around and peck josh on the lips. He pulls me onto his lap where I lay my head on his chest and let out a sigh.

"Is everything all right?" He asks while playing with my long brunette hair.

"Well, I found out that my project partner is going to be Willow." I admit and he frowns.

"Earlier today I tried to make up with her, but she continued being a bitch so I snapped at her. I have no idea how we are going to work together without setting this house on fire." I sigh into his chest and he hugs me tighter.

"Jen you have every right to be upset, because you're right she was a bitch. I know that you'll be the bigger person thought because you always are. You'll be fine I promise babe." He reassures me and kisses the top of my head.

"Thanks Joshy, I love you." I tell him.

"I love you more." He says.

"Not possible." I respond and we cuddle on the couch. Before I know it my eyes flutter closed and I'm taken into a deep sleep.


I hear the doorbell ring and immediately go to answer the door. I see Willow standing there ready to finish our project.

"Hey Willow come on in." I say gesturing inside of the house. I decided that I will take Josh's advice and be the bigger person.

We immediately get to work on our project with almost no words being said except for the common 'can you pass the marker' and 'thank you' .

So far Willow hasn't really done anything horrible so that's a good sign. But for all I know she could be sabotaging me into thinking she's changed and secretly ruining our project so I could get a bad grade.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and see the love of my life flashing his famous smile. He walks over to where I'm standing and he is looking amazing right now. You can see his abs right through his white shirt.

"Wow..." he pauses probably about to compliment me he's sweet like that.

"Willow," Wait, what? "You look... absolutely stunning." He takes a step closer to her not even acknowledging my presence.

Willow giggles lightly and blushes a bit. He lightly kisses her nose and I feel a tear stream down my face.

"I love you and only you." He says and kisses her on the mouth not stopping. She runs her hands through his hair, and soon they're having a full on make out session. I'm sobbing in the corner to weak to move.

When the pull away I see Willow mouth 'Tough luck Jen' and she goes straight back to kissing him.

End of Nightmare

I wake up with tears streaming down my face uncontrollably. That nightmare felt so real. What if it comes true? What if he leaves me for her?

"Shh your ok, your safe, I'm here and I love you so... so... so... much." Josh kisses my head between words. I look up at him and say three simple words.

"Stay with me?"

And I get one simple answer.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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