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Gone. All of them were gone. Tears streamed down my face as I stared at my parents' lifeless corpses, laying flat on the ground. They were gone. I didn't have parents anymore. I didn't even have my clan anymore. Everyone was dead.

Sasuke fell to his knees and began to sob into his hands. I wanted to hug him, but my body wouldn't let me move. I was overwhelmed with fear and anguish. I just stood there, with my face as blank as a sheet of paper. My eyes were crying rivers. Everything I've ever loved is gone.

"W-who c-c-could've done t-this?" I heard Sasuke mumbled.

"WHO DID THIS?!" he blared, as he pounded his fist on the floor. 

There was a creek coming from the back of the room. The soft sounds of footsteps filled the room with a troublesome aura. Someone was there. I felt they're cold eyes observing me from a distance. 

"Who are you?!" Sasuke screamed. 

A shuriken came flying from the shadows and sliced Sasuke on the shoulder. A second later, one came flying in my direction and slit the top of my cheekbone. The pain seared into my face as I collapsed on the floor, yelping in pain.

Sasuke ran to me and started to hug me. I felt his tears roll off of his face and onto mine. He got up and stood in front of me with his arms and legs spread apart, protecting me from the attacker.

"Don't touch my sister! Whoever you are, come out now!" Sasuke roared. There was a sudden boost of confidence in his voice.

With one step at a time, the intruder stepped into the light and out of the shadows. It was our older brother, Itachi.

"Foolish little brother. Cowardly young sister," he spoke softly. He slowly opened his frightening eyes. I only caught a glimpse of it. "Mangekyo Sharingan!"

The world around me changed rapidly. I was standing in the streets of the Uchiha grounds. Sasuke was kneeling beside me. I looked up at the sky. It was blood red. The moon shone a bright light. This was Itachi's famed genjutu. I never thought the day would come when I, was caught in it.

I looked ahead of me and into the streets. My father was there. His face was still as unimpressed as ever until he fell to the floor. My mother appeared too, and she as well fell to the ground. 

I screamed and proceeded to sob like a child without it's mother because from this point on, I was that child.

I couldn't move my legs. Neither could Sasuke. I huffed and puffed as he struggled to break free from his leg lock. More and more of our clansmen proceeded to appear and then, fall to the ground. It was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. 

Shurikens flew and blood splattered. Sasuke screamed. 

"Stop! Ni-san!" Sasuke bellowed as he held his head in his hands.

"Ni-san please!" I screamed as I sobbed into m sleeve. My cheek was still bleeding profusely. "Stop! Please! I'm begging you!"

"I don't want to see this!" Sasuke screamed. 

Itachi appeared before us. He stared at the two of us, sobbing on the floor.

"Why Itachi?" Sasuke asked. "Why?"

People that we loved were being killed left, right, and center. I didn't understand why. I usually had an answer for everything, but for the first time in my life, I didn't have the answer.

The scenery changed. We were standing in the room we were currently in. Itachi held a sword above our parents heads. 

"Don't Ni-san!" Sasuke blared.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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