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I hated feeling so weak. I hated seeing Harry feel bad for me. I hated it all I wanted everything to be alright but it's far from it. I'm screwed up, my family's screwed up and now I've totally messed with Harry's mind. He's probably so confused right now. I was all chipper and happy now I'm all cut up and depressed. I guess this is what having a dysfunctional family does to you.

"Kaelin, can I put band aids on your cuts?" Liam asked referring to my wrists and thighs. I nodded and sat on the toilet for easier access. "Why did you do it?"

"I told you." He chuckled.

"You had a choice Kaelin." I nodded.

"And now my choice is permanently etched into my skin." He took out the rubbing alcohol. I winced as he placed it upon the several cuts spread across my arms. "It hurts Liam."

"Well duh, it's alcohol." He joked placing on the band aids. "All better." I rubbed my wrists and stood up.

"Thank you Liam." He nodded as we walked out into the hallway. And that's when I saw Harry. His eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying. His cheeks were so tear stained, I felt bad because I knew I did this to him I made him this sad. "Harry."

"Please, just leave me." I nodded and walked out into the living room, Liam following. "Why did I do this to him?" I asked fixing the couch cushions so me and Liam could sit down.

"He loves you, so seeing you like this broke him." I wanted to cry but I needed to stay strong. "Now your staying at our house, we'll come back tomorrow and clean up so go pack a bag." I nodded reluctantly and headed to my room.

I decided to change my clothes while I was in there. I went for a more comfortable look. Some gray sweats, a purple jumper and my VANZ. I quickly took my hair up into a bun but then decided to just throw a beanie over it and call it good. I packed a similar outfit to what I had on.

"Done." I said going back into the living room. "Where'd Harry go?"

"He decided to walk and clear his head, don't worry I can drive." I chuckled.

"Not Harry's truck, let me." He looked at me confused. "His truck is different. I wanna live so gimme the keys." He chuckled and handed me the silver chain of clinging keys. I actually didn't know how to drive but Harry had showed me how his truck worked so I'm sure I got it.

"We'll live, right?" Liam joked. I just chuckled and pulled away from the house. We'd arrived back at their's quicker than I'd expected. "Common." I didn't notice Liam had already hopped out of the truck and was holding my door open for me.

We walked inside to see only Atticus. "Did Harry show yet?" Liam asked shutting he door behind us.

"He came and went." Atticus said not removing his eyes from the TV. "He said about going to the place whatever that means." I nearly dropped to the floor. 'The place' is the old bridge in the forest, the current underneath is so strong, one toe in the water and you be a goner.

"Liam, the place is the old Mackenzie bridge." Liam nodded.

"Harry goes out there to clear his head, a lot actually." My expression never changed. "He'll be fine, don't worry."

"I hope so."


{Harry's POV}

I hated this.

I hated seeing Kaelin at her weakest.

I needed an escape.

I needed a way out.

I can't leave though, my mind won't let me.

So, I've decided to stay

No madder how much it pains me to see Kaelin in pain

I gotta stay, for her

For a little while longer.


Quick update for my friend @So_Happily , Jenn don't kill me!!

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