Chapter 1

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I've attempted to write other stories and for some reason chapter 3 kept deleting so I'm giving it another try...please don't be rude if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.


{"Freak!", " Whore!", " Slut!", " Why don't you just kill yourself already!"}

I woke up with sweat rolling down my face, another nightmare. I've been having the same nightmares since 7th grade and I owe it all to Jesse my own personal bully. I know what your thinking, tell an adult, stand up for yourself. Well it's not that simple in the town of Kettle, especially if your the outcast and being bullied by the star quarterback. Nobody believes that there perfect child can bully a girl which is why I haven't told anyone, I tried once towards the end of 8th grade and it didn't help, all it got me were more beatings from Jesse and his group. Im just waiting for junior year to be over so I can convince my mom to let me move in with my dad in California.

Although junior year just began I'm going to try my best to avoid running into Jesse but it's kinda hard seeing that our school is smaller than most of the houses here in Kettle.

I got off my bed and headed towards the bathroom to shower, I took long bath and then took forever to get ready. I wore a black long sleeved shirt and the only pair of jeans that Jesse and his posse haven't ripped. I don't do much to my hair just comb it once.

I head downstairs for breakfast when I run into Emily my brothers girlfriend who is at our house every morning.." Whoa there! Slow down freak!"

" Sorry I didn't see you there"

She stands in front of me.." well maybe if you get your hair out of your face maybe you could of!"

My brother was walking towards us..thank god. " Hey girls what's up?"

" Nothing", I answer

She looks at him like nothing's happened, " Nothing babe just talking about prom with your sister.."

Lying bitch I hated that my brother was dating her especially cuz we go to school together and she's part of Jesse's group.

" Well I'm going to go eat..", I said as I walked away

I sat down and ate my waffles as fast as I could before my brother's girlfriend sat down. When I finished I grabbed my backpack and headed out.

Now the real hell begins.

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