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tyler stared down at his phone, confused on why guilt was knawing his stomach on having to block josh as his new teammates around him congratulated the tall boy on his new position.

as the official new basketball captain.

"congrats dude," brendon said as he grinned and tyler and clapped his hand on his back. tyler let out a forced laugh, smirking in fake satisfaction even though he was frowning on the inside. he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard soft pitter patter of feet.

he only knew one person who ran so softly and quietly.


tyler bit his lip, his gaze focused on his locker and not the small boy nearing him as his teammates quieted  down, all smirking as they realized who was going to try and talk to tyler. josh smiled at the group timidly, even though he was shaking slightly from his anxiety because he was literally having all eyes on him.

"h-h-h-h-h-hey t-t-t-ty-tyler! wh-w-w-w-what d-d-d-did i-i-i-i d-d-do w-w-wr-wrong f-f-for y-y-you t-t-t-t-t-to i-i-i-ignore m-me?" josh asked very quietly. in fact, his voice was so quiet that only tyler could barley hear what he said.

the said basketball player slammed his locker shut, making josh jump in shock. tyler turned around, looking at josh with barely any emotion in his eyes, his entire stance showing he was tense and on edge. he looked through josh as if the small boy didn't exist, and, saying in the most monotonous and uninterested voice he could muster, he forced out;

"i'm sorry, do I know you?"

second thoughts; tysh [✔]Where stories live. Discover now