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It's hot... fire... too hot.. let me get out...

Krist ran as quick as possible away from the walking fire that chasing him from behind.

"Help!" He shouted. Loudly. But it was dark. No one heard him. No one answer.

"Help!!!" He shouted again, louder. But then he was falling forward, tripped after his own foot. He wanted to get up and continue running but his feet wouldn't move. He horrifiedly looked behind at the hot bright yellow and red that blazing so high.

"Help!!!" That wasn't Krist's voice. He looked up and saw his brother Bas was being engulfed by the fire.

"No! Bas!" He screamed. He groaned ad he tried to get up but he can't. He cried. Bas kept asking for help and crying. Krist was desperate. He pulled his body towards the fire.

"Bas!!!!" Bas hurting face made him weak. Panic.

"No! Please! Somebody help! Please! My brother!"


"Please help!!!"


"My brother!"


Someone made him startled that he had to open his eyes. Krist focused his view and he saw it was Singto that maybe kept shaking and calling him. He looked around. He was at Singto's apartment.

So that was a dream...

"Are you okay?" Singto wiped his cheek. So he was crying...

Krist pushed Singto softly with his still trembling hands. He wiped his own tear streaking face, didn't let Singto do it for him.

"I'm okay," his voice was so hoarse. Singto stood up to the bed stand and poured water in the container into the glass that already being prepared there. He gave it to Krist who felt cold even though his body was drenched in sweat. Krist gulped it down eagerly.

"What are you dreaming about? That fire incident again?" Singto sat down although he kept a good distance from Krist. "You kept shouting for help,"

Krist put the glass on the bed stand and nodded. He put his feet slowly on the floor and got up, still trembling and weak. "I'm going to check on Bas and Cooper," he said softly while walked away from the room.

Singto sighed. It has always been like this. Krist put on a barrier around him, never let Singto to came nearer. Singto took a look at his own hand where a  silver ring with a unique design and a diamond-decorated, it had been put there since last week. On his ring finger. The same ring with different size was on Krist's ring finger. But still, it just a symbol. Krist live there with him but still, everything looked same like before. He still out of Singto's reach.

He dropped his body to the bed tiredly. The clock was dinging and Singto knew he had to prepare to work soon. With a heavy heart, he got up and walked to the bathroom, starting his day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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