Dropping Temperature

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"Hey, dinner was fun, thanks for coming with me you guys!" Søren said, grinning. Dennis and Vincent had tagged along with the tall Dane after he expressed his urgent craving for actual restaurant food.
"Anytime!" Dennis replied, while Vincent just nodded in response, as if he didn't want to say the exact same thing as Dennis. "Yeah I'll agree with you there, Søren, it was fun. I kind of needed a change from what we usually eat."
Vincent hadn't been talking much that dinner, or at all, for that matter. A lot has been on his mind. While Peter did say he liked him back, Vincent felt... weird about it. He kind of had to hide it from the other members of his team and from all the others they lived with, or else drama could arise. Never the less, Vincent couldn't stop thinking about how Peter seemed to push Vincent away quite a bit. Did he do something? Was it because he poked fun at the amount of dirty laundry in his room again? Or maybe he wasn't getting enough sleep? Vincent decided he had to bring it up with Peter.
Suddenly, Dennis' phone dinged, signifying a text. After a few seconds, Dennis spoke.
"Hey Søren, that friend of ours wants to meet us at her house for a get together. What do you say?"
Søren visibly held back a yawn and replied cheerfully. "Hell yeah dude! We haven't seen her in forever." He said.
"Cool, I can drive us there. Vincent, do you need a ride back to the house?"
Vincent paused to consider his options. It is chilly out, maybe too chilly. He wouldn't mind being transported in a warm vehicle. On the other hand, he needed some time to think. He couldn't think hard enough when the two Danes were present. No offense to them.
Vincent looked up at Dennis. "I'm fine, I can walk, but thanks for the offer!" He said, smiling. In return, Dennis shot him a confused look, but after a split second his expression changed to understanding.
"Alright then. Hopefully I'll see you before tomorrow starts." He replied.
"Yeah, see you soon dude!" Søren said, and waved.
After the two had left, he sat there for a few moments. Finally he gathered the motivation to sit up and walk out the door. As the doors swung open, he was greeted with brisk, cold air. It felt like a sheet of ice had been thrown at him. He kept walking down the sidewalk, taking notice of the passerby and the warm color of the street lamps and how everyone's breaths were visible in the arctic-like air. The night was still young, so there were many people chattering or just having fun around him. He barely payed attention to it, though, and focused on his cloudy thoughts.
Tonight, Vincent took a slightly different route to the house. He turned a nearby corner and went around at a new angle. Suddenly, he noticed a figure, hunched over in a sitting position against the nearby wall of the house. Out of site from others, he lay there, crying, it looks like. Not full-blown bawling. Just soft sobs and whimpers.
"Peter?" Vincent cried out, dashing over to the now recognizable figure.
"V-Vincent..." the figure spoke.

Wintertime cuddling (a TSM fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now