Who needs fun when you have a giraffe?

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She is the bestest person to be around with. Half of the time she's making me laugh and smile. Whenever you're around her you just HAVE to smile she's just so amazing. Whenever she kisses me I can't help but feel just happiness. She is my happiness, she's my everything.

She is so much fun to hang out with. We go on adventures eat ice cream almost die on rollercoaster get sat on by uncle Rich chase each other with swords and squirt guns it's just so much fun.

I can see us in the future I'm hiding in a closet somewhere with a nerf gun then I jump out and scare the crap out of her hehehehe I'm evil. Silly string wars, bubble wars, STAR WARS, nerf gun wars, sword fights, tug of war with fur babby, anything you want to do is so much fun. You make everything fun.

This weekend I'm gonna smash whipped cream in your face then probably lick it off your face cause I'm not wasting whipped cream it's really good and I'll win and knowing you you're gonna shove me into cold shower and I'm gonna drag you in with me so then you'll get cold and turn it off hehehehe. Then I'm gonna destroy you I swear to god if you torture me I'm gonna lay face down on the floor I will do it DON'T TEST ME GIRAFFE.

You're magical I can't wait until tonight when you come to the school dance and scare people it's gonna be really funny THEY'RE GOING TO GIVE US GLOW STICKS HEHEHEHE I CAN'T WAIT btw at dances I eat to much sugar and tend to get hyper at the last dance I was so hyper I was actually DANCING so just a warning.

It's gonna be so much fun I can't wait for this weekend I love you my magical giraffe❤️

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