Sparks Fly

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 Sparks Fly

Sparks Fly: Chapter 1


I stared at the large stone engraved sign that hung delicately on the even larger and completely made of brick school. The sign read Woodlands Academy. I took a step closer, before glancing at my attire for the last time. I was dressed in black and golden gladiator sandals, dark blue jeans, and a black, flowy, and floral tank top with sequins at the neckline. My light brown hair was tied in a stylish and neat bun and I had very minimal eyeliner to frame my bright blue eyes. As I opened the door I was exposed to hundreds of high school students chatting, laughing, screaming and running around the large hallway. I walked in slowly, tightly clutching me bags straps as my palms began to get sweater with every step I took. I followed the many signs that directed my to the main office. As I set foot into the office a gray haired woman from behind the front desk looked up at me from her paperwork.

“Hello,” I greeted, trying my best to put a sweet smile on my face.

“Can I help you miss?” she asked, annoyance evident in her voice.

“Um yes I’m looking for the chemistry lab, I’m new here,” I asked politely.

“Walk down this hallway, up the two flights of stairs and all the way down that hallway and it will be on the right,” she directed in her sophisticated accent. I followed her easy route and in a little over 20 minutes I had made it to the Chemistry lab classroom 20 E. I took a few deep breaths, before carefully knocking on the door. When the door opened it revealed to a classroom of students quietly working and a very energetic teacher with absolutely no hair on his head. He was dressed in black pants, a white shirt and a blue sweater vest on top.

“Hello,” I greeted, stepping into the classroom. Everybody looked up from their assignments, probably because of my noticeably “American” accent. “I’m new.”

“Ah yes, you must be Victoria Charles, the straight A transfer student from America, its a pleasure to meet you,” he replied ecstatic.

“You’ve heard of me?” I asked, very surprised, “Thats very sweet Mr…”

“Mr. Howard, well Victoria take a seat at an empty lab bench,” he corrected. I quickly walked over the last bench in the third row. As I set my things onto the bench, a late student rushed into the classroom.

“Sorry Mr. Howard,” he apologized.

“Thats alright Zayn, just don’t make it a habit, and take a seat beside…” he looked around the classroom and then smiled at me. “Next to Victoria,” he said pointing in my direction. Zayn made his way over to the bench and placed his things next to mine.

“Hey,” he greeted as the teacher picked up back on the lesson.

“Hello,” I replied curtly, trying hard not to look at his gorgeous face. He had the most magnificent, light brown eyes, midnight black hair that I was tempted to run my fingers through, and an extremely charming smile.

“Checking me out, are we?” he asked in an amused tone.

“No, no I’m not,” I stammered, turning bright red.

“I was just kidding,” he laughed in his adorable british accent. “I’m Zayn Malik.”

“I’m Victoria Charles, I’m a new student.”

“Yeah, I got that, I also get that your not from England are you?” he questioned, raising a brow at me.

“No, I’m from the States. New York actually,” I answered trying my best to pay attention to the class. For the next half hour nor me or Zayn were paying attention to the lesson, instead we were lost in conversion after conversation. About the most random of things. We had hit it off instantly and I could tell I was going to like him.

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