Falling into Place (Final)

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Falling into Place

Sparks Fly: The Final Chapter


After everything, the lies, the kisses, the tears and the smiles. We’re finally falling into place.

Brushing a few strands of his messy curls, I snuggled closer into his bare torso feeling the balmy heat of his body enliven me. 


I was slightly caught of guard at the unknowing of his awakening. “Yeah?” He placed a chaste kiss upon my forehead before continuing.

 “You need to leave Zayn, for good now.”

My breathing hitched as I shook slightly, the thought rattling my brain in ache. The once glistening stack of memorabilia Zayn had created within my mind had slowly become a burning mound of misery. Time only aiding in destroying and demolishing them more. The photos of loud smiles and tender kisses had become undistinguishable as they severed, only to be substituted with the images of rage, tears and immoral utilization. I had become fraught for them to be permanently eradicated.

“I can’t do it alone, Harry. I…I just can’t. You know what he does to me.”

“I know, but you have to, just this once. You need closure and this is between you and him,” he explained, his voice throaty with lengthy hours of tranquil slumber. My sleep, however, had been anything but calm. Resent to time spent leaping in and out of sleep, my complications discovering a method to somehow invade my dreams. Ripping me from slumber at the constant depiction of Zayn’s flawless face.

“Not now though. I can’t do it just yet.” He nodded, comprehending my agitation as he pulled me closer into his chest. Harry’s fingers coiling around my spiral curls, as he attempted to ease the discomfort creeping up my spine. 

“Everything’s gonna be fine, I promise. You have me and I’ll protect you no matter what.”

 I smiled sparingly at the thought, Harry’s sincerity and tenderness causing my heart to swell. “Thank you.”

 “Victoria, I don’t think I’ve told you this but I have been feeling it for a while now. And I know Zayn doesn’t tell you enough, but, I love you.”

 I was absolutely wonderstruck at perceiving the words, known that in one of the copiously burdensome time within my life I was loved. Loved. And most incredulity, by Harry Styles. The idea caused my skin to warm in such an alleviating way. My heartbeat had quickened notably as it thrashed violently against my ribcage in contentment. The words causing a large eruption of butterflies within my stomach as a rather radiant smile decorated my face. 

“I know I’ve been ignoring these feeling for sometime but its clear now. I… love you too.”


 My legs had become mechanized as they wended up the steps to the familiar house; definite terror fizzed within my stomach painfully. Livid thoughts blistered through my mind, causing my nails to dig deeper within the soft flesh of my palms. Anguish set my veins ablaze with a raging fire, numbing the physical suffering that had engulfed my body as I continued up the concrete path. My forefinger was inches from the doorbell, as my mind ran blank. The unremitting desire to turn upon my heel and flee was quickly escalating.

 “I knew you’d be back.” My heart nearly plunged from my chest as he opened the door.

“I didn’t come for you. I came to end this once and for all.” The newly discovered self-assurance had been acutely fueled by Harry’s reassurance; multiple tender kisses and a dazzling smile like no other. I was doing this for Harry.  

“End this?”

“Yes. I not see you anymore. I’m not sleeping with you, not kissing you, and not even looking at you after what you did to me. You’re not worth the pain and the suffering so don’t ever come to me ever again,” I thundered, my voice cracking as I bit back a bitter round of tears.

“But Victoria, I love you. And I know you want a second chance and I can give that to you.”

“Don’t ever tell me you love me, you liar! If you loved me you wouldn’t use me. And I don’t want a second chance, in fact you should be the one begging for chances.” His words were equivalent to the pain of knives being stabbed within my chest. The torment I had come to end had only heightened extensively as we continued to exchange verbal jabs. Both respired heavily as our chests heaved in in pain. Our eyes locked in the final battle of ascendancy, his begging for attention and mine pleading for freedom.

“You don’t me back?”

“No. I’ve found someone else. He loves me far more than you ever could.”


“Save it Zayn, this is it. You’ve done the damage and now you cant make it right.”

“Its Harry isn’t it?” I attempted to swallow the large lump within my throat, swelling with guiltiness. I nodded, feeling no obligation to tell an untruth. “Tell him not to treat you like I did.” 

Bye Zayn.”

 Looking back, the thought of having to leave Zayn would have been utterly barbaric. I would have rigorously nodded my head, reassuring words of just how strong lived we were, how we would be happy together forever would have surfaced without second thought. However, things change, people change and hearts change. The ones we trust become the cause of our pain and death. Sometimes our hearts can muddle our decisions, and restrict our better judgment. But its life, were only humans, we make mistakes. We love, we lie and kiss and cry.

I have learned though, that now matter how much love seems to hurt, and no matter how much tears it brings to our eyes. It all worth it, its all a lesson that will help to make us stronger in the future. So when you love someone, fall even if theres no one to catch you because then you learn who’s there for you and who not. And a day will come when you fall and there is someone to catch you, and you get the most incredible feelings in their presence and everything will click. And thats the person your meant to spend the rest of your life with. 

I was sure no matter how many years would pass, how many decades I would live and how many I would fall for; Zayn would always be in my heart. He had too and I hoped for it. He had been my first kiss, my first time, and my first love. And no matter how many times I try to deny the pain, it will always be a permanent scar that cannot be bandaged by time or hope or even love. It will always be a reminder of how life can be unbalanced but in the end everything seems to fall into place. 

A/N: So… um that’s it. Writing this was so emotional, I can’t even explain. It been such a long journey in ten chapters and I’m so proud of the way it turned out. I’m still contemplating a prologue, so leave a review and tell me if you want one. Also I just want to say thank you to the readers that have been their since the very first chapter of Sparks Fly to the very last, I honest love you so much. And to those people have supported me despite my long waits, my moody days, and my unfair tendencies. All those who have stuck with me through it all, you’re the reason I continue to do what I do. Please leave a review and tell me what you think. 

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