♥Vocal Rankings
1. Taeyeon
2. Jessica
3. Seohyun
4. Tiffany
5. Sunny
6. Yuri
7. Sooyoung
8. Yoona
9. Hyoyeon
♥Dance rankings
1. Hyoyeon
2. Yuri
3. Sooyoung
4. Yoona
5. Seohyun
6. Sunny
7. Jessica
8. Taeyeon
9. Tiffany
♥Best Actress
1. Yoona
2. Yuri
3. Sooyoung
4. Taeyeon
5. Seohyun
6. Jessica
7. Sunny
8. Tiffany
9. Hyoyeon
♥Youtube popularity
1. Jessica
2. Tiffany
3. Taeyeon
4. Yoona
5. Seohyun
6. Yuri
7. Sooyoung
8. Sunny
9. Hyoyeon
♥Natural Beauty/pretty without make up
1. Seohyun
2. Yoona
3. Taeyeon
4. Tiffany
5. Jessica
6. Yuri
7. Sooyoung
8. Hyoyeon
9. Sunny
♥Nicest Smiles
1. Tiffany
2. Taeyeon
3. Jessica
4. Seohyun
5. Sooyoung
6. Yoona
7. Yuri
8. Hyoyeon
9. Sunny
1. Sunny
2. Jessica
3. Taeyeon
4. Seohyun
5. Yuri
6. Sooyoung
7. Yoona
8. Hyoyeon

All About Girls' Generation - SNSD 소녀시대
AléatoireRead SNSD's complete informations, profiles, facts, their rankings, full song list and others here. All you need to know about Girls' Generation is here. This is FULL-PACKED BOOK about SNSD. This also have jokes :). If you have suggestions, just c...