Not What it Seems pt 5 (part 5)

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Naruto awoke by falling off his bed with a thud on the hard metal floor.


Was the only thought in his head after falling off his bed. It reminded him of old times with Sasuke and them at the hidden leaf. He then felt home sick from thinking of his village. He longed to go back, but he couldn't go back.

But what if I could...

He thought but then shook it away. It was a dumb plan. If he left now he would have failed the mission and that does not go well on a ninjas permanent record. He got off the floor with a pang of pain on his burns but it quickly subsided. He looked down at his bandages questioningly. He then began to remove the bandages carefully.
The burns were almost all gone, except for a patch right next to his six-pack.
He smiled think of the nine-tailed fox inside him.

Thanks again you dumb fox

He thought and a low growling sound rang from his brain. Obviously the fox feeling insulted and angry at its vessel.
He then got back onto his bed after placing the bandages back in the right places. He laid on his back motionless with a smile pulling at the sides of his mouth. The smile had won the tug of war against his mouth and a grin formed on his face. A knock sounded from his door. He turned his head and looked at it. The door creaked open and in came...Kushimi. She walked in with a tray of food ready to serve him.
" Good, your awake " she said with a smile. She walked over to his bedside and placed the tray on his bedside table.
She brushed his hair back across his face as she looked at him.
" How'd you sleep ?" She asked with a smile on her elegant face. Naruto looked away sharply at the beauty of her smile. As if nothing that beautiful could exist in a place like this. He turned back slowly to be met with a sad, hurt and worried face. He could see the emotion in her eyes. Mostly hurt by the sudden turn.
" What's...wrong Naruto ?" She asked. The worry was so noticeable in her voice. Like mud on a window.
He then felt sad himself for what he had done.

He didn't mean to offend her by what he had done. She must have taken it the wrong way. Not knowing what to do he rose from his position and hugged her. He hugged her. Showing her he was sorry for what he had done. It took a moment for her to respond and hug back. He took in her scent through his nose. She smelt like rose petals in spring.

They separated and they both smiled at each other. Pure joy in each others eyes. She then sat next to him on the bed and began to feed him. Which he didn't like at all.
" I can feed myself Kushimi !" He said leaning back from the spoon she held. They both laughed at each others antics.
" But...I want to feed you " she said with a giggle at the end. Naruto's tone changed from cheerful to a stern confused one, then to a serious one.
" Kushimi..." He said turning to her.
She immediately lowered the spoon.
" You can feed yourself...I just wanted to-"
" No, its not that " he cut her off after witnessing her joy getting sucked out of her by him.
He stared at his hard metal walls with no emotion present on his face. Kushimi tensed at his lack of his emotion at the moment.
" you take such good care of me if you...if you barely know me " he said turning to face her with a serious look. She opened her mouth to speak. But no words came.

As if her vocabulary went blank for a second before she finally spoke.
" I don't know but..." She looked at the metal floor and smiled. She rubbed her foot over a metal bolt in the ground of the metal room.
" I just feel like I've known you all my life " she said and looked up at him with a smile. He then felt bad for asking.

Her ,this women was feeding him, making sure he's safe, making sure he's ok. And he threw all the good things she had done for him in her face and accused her. He felt horrible now. He then gave a her a smile which warmed her heart.

Naruto stood up and stretched his arms and legs out.
Kushimi watched as he kissed her cheek and left for the door. Before he opened the door and walked out he stopped at turned his head so he could see her.
" Thank you...for everything " he said and he watched as a small tint of pink sprayed her cheeks.
He laughed and walked out the room to go find his friends.
When he walked out the dojo a wave a chakra hit him and he heard a faint shriek. He turned his head to see more and more forest up ahead. The shrieking sounded again ,only louder this time. He began to follow the shrieking sound into the forest. The shrieking grew louder the more he walked. The shriek soon turned into a scream and a scream turned into a cry for help. He then unintentionally began jogging toward the screaming person. His jog quickened to a run. He ran as fast as he could without even taking a break.

The screaming then suddenly stopped. He then stopped himself. He listened carefully and for some odd reason a drop of fear leaked into him at what he'd find. He walked past some bushes to find a old tattered building. The windows smashed leaving shards of glass left their. Like a mouth trying to devour something. Or someone.

He gathered all his strength and pushed back the fear he felt and he climbed through the window of the building.

Dun dun  dun


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