*curls up into a ball and starts to sob*

14 4 5

School is beginning in exactly 33 hours from now.....so is Joniur Year.

Can't say I am excited because I am fucking not. In fact, I'm terrified.

I made a huge mistake this summer, that causes my workload in the year to be twice as much. I am terrified of not only that, but the fact that I also have to maintain a social life because even though I have been in the same school for 10 years, I'm not going back for Senior Year. My parents told me so today. So this will be the last year I see the girls I grew up knowing. I'm going straight to Uni and the thought of that terrifies me even more. And the fact that I don't know what I will be doing for my major or anything.....

I hate growing up so fucking much....But I know I have to do it...

I'm legitimately crying now.....Someone please help me....

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