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Welcome to a very interesting contest! I am @cupcakewolf23, the new admin for mental health. I created this contest for one, important reason.To give hope to those who need it!

What are we going to do?

Well. You will be writing a story that is based around depression that will be scored. There will be many factors that contribute to how the reader writes his or her story. From the cause of the characters depression to how the story ends, ( Self acceptance, found help, suicide, etc. ).

How will my story be scored?

The way a story will be scored depends on what genre it is. Fiction will have different things to score than Non-fiction. However, no matter what genre it is, there will be a total amount of points you can score in each catagories. The total number of points you can score in a catagory varies. Different catagories have a different number of total points you can get.

What genres are there?

Well. There is Non-fiction and Fiction. There are many other genres that you can use like Fantasy, the character that is depressed can be a fairy, or Science Fiction, the depressed character's life can take place in the future. However, those genres fall under  Fiction. If you write a story in the Fantasy genre, it will be put in the Fiction catagory.

Why write about depressed people?

There are so many depressed people who need to know that they are not alone. These stories can help them realize that they are not alone and that there are people who care about them.

Read on to find out how to participate and to learn more deatils. : )

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