Chapter 23 | Stranger Danger

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"She told me of a story," "a sad story of lost twins."

"What happened?" Rollan mumbled lifting his head wearily. I turned to Sal waiting for him to answer. We awoke and soon after realized Meilin was missing. It was barely considered morning the sky was still almost a jet black.

Sal turned to Rollan, "We really don't know yet..." Rollan's face changed when he saw the spot where Meilin once was. I sighed and scooted backwards, this seems like something deep.

"What do you mean you don't know'?" He yelled his dark eyes were stern in a frown. Nullet opened only one eye, not willing to move. Rollan jumped up his eyes widened, Meilin was actually gone.

"She wouldn't just leave right?" I asked turning to Abeke and Conor. They shook their heads in response. "This is crazy, we don't have time for this." I mumbled, my eyes searching the ground for some type of sign. Apparently loud enough for Rollan to hear.

"We don't have time? Aren't you worried about her safety?!" He yelled obviously mad at me, I frowned. Sal raised his hands up silencing us both.

"Yelling won't help with anything." Sal said calmly. Abeke was already up and I didn't even notice, she moved so quietly. I stood up, Rollan still shooting me several glares.

The cobble road had dirt covering the edges and hidden in the dirt were several letters. B E L E N E S E "Here!" I called pointing to the dirt. A note left by Meilin. "She must've been taken." I study the letters and trace them out with my finger. Judging by the wind this hasn't been here long, otherwise it would've blown away.

"We can still catch her." I mumbled to Sal, but there's no hope in my voice. He shook his head simply turning to the sky. There was a quiet moment, but Sal broke that by calling us down the cobble path.

"We'll find her." I reassured Rollan by patting his back. But he shook me off quickly staring coldly at the ground. I knew Meilin meant a lot to him, but he needs to understand that we'll be there.

I turned around deciding now would be a good time to leave him alone. Abeke came up from behind me, normally I would jump as I usually do but this time there was a moment where everything went quiet and this splitting shriek went through my ears. I winced for a second but quickly after everything was so clear. I could hear Abeke's feet crunching against the ground. And it was no surprise when she tapped my shoulder.

"You didn't jump," she chuckled a bright smile across her face. I nodded forcing a small smile. Her voice wasn't specifically louder, but I could hear the cracks and tiredness. "Meilin has left us before, so her being taken really hits him hard." Abeke explained stroking Uraza. I nodded attempting to listen to her. I was pretty sure that Nullet has heightened my hearing. I could hear birds tweeting from miles away.

We both jogged to keep up with everyone. I wanted to let it go, I'm sure most people with spirit animals have similar effects. Especially with what happened to Meilin now wouldn't be a good time to say anything. But as I walked, I couldn't help but ignore Abeke because I was listening to noises from far away. They sounded almost like howls from fellow wild animals.

But something was different, I could feel the distress in their call. And it got louder and louder until I was sure it was coming closer. I squinted towards the direction it was coming from, Abeke stopped abruptly. "Do you-" She started but I immediately nodded squinting at the woods.

"An animal." I finished for her. Conor spun around frowning. He waved us over, an indication to keep moving. I craned my neck towards the sky searching for Essix. "Rollan, where's Essix?" I asked scanning the sky. Rollan shook his head pointing in the opposite direction I was looking. And there she was soaring across the sky landing gracefully into a blossom tree. "Could you tell her to take a look over there." I pointed at the direction the howls were coming from. He nodded, making a clicking noise to get her attention.

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