Monday Night! Part 1

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Thrall: Hello ladies and gentlemen! Thrall here and we are ready for CAA!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Jania Proudmoore: Oh shut up you blabbering idiot let the real commentator tackle this, Hello everyone watching it's the one the only  Jania Proudmoore queen of theramore here tonight to bless your ears with my wonderful commentating.

Thrall: Anyways, our first event tonight is our general manager Drew!

*Scars by I Prevail plays*

Drew enters the arena

Drew: HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CAA Universe! It is I Drew here to state whats going on tonight, 

First up a tag match between "The McCabes vs The Whack and Whomp express" Let's have a great match between though two teams!!!

Second match of the evening "Lincoln loud vs Danial Donnahue"  A feud i'm a big fan of definitely can't wait!

Third match of the evening "The Lich King vs Darion Mograine" A devastating battle between Death Knight vs Death Knight unholy battle.

Fourth match of the evening is the CAA women championship match up "Lodestar Luminous vs Katie Eighth" A smacker for sure can't wait for this HUGE match up!

Main Event of the evening is for the CAA World Heavyweight Championship! "Charles Dante Dilengar vs Rook" My favorite match of the night can't wait to see the outcome!

Well i'll leave you guys to these matches LET"S GO! 

*Scars by I Prevail and Drew leaves*

*Southern Pride plays and the McCabes come out*

Announcer: The following contest is schedule for one fall coming down the isle "The McCabes" 

Thrall: Oh boy here comes a great team one of my favorite to be honest!

Jania: Ew just ew i hope they get destroyed fucking pathetic.

*Random country song plays and the wack and whomp express*

Thrall: YES!!! The big man and little man!!!

Jania: Meh...

*Ding Ding Ding*

*Brian grabs Lance by the neck and throws him to the ground*

Thrall: Dear lord what was that?? That look like it hurt Jeez

*Brian picks up lance and body slams him the picks him back up and tags in conor*

Thrall: Ooooh here we go the country double team!!!

*McCabes hit the country double team on lance*

*The Whompis comes in and double clotheslines them*

Thrall: Ooo clothesline!!!!!

Jania: *Yawn* This is a bunch of over face looooosers

*Ref counts to 3 of whompis and runs out quickly*

*Lance gets up and picks up conor and hits him with a neckbreaker*

*Lance tags in whomp and whomp picks up conor and picks his legs on the turnbuckle*

*Whomp backs into the opposite corner a runs hard at conor jumping and a summer salt into him*

Thrall: OOOOOO ouch there goes conor

*Whompis punches conor and picks up brian for the chokeslam submission and hits it*

*Whompis starts to choke out brian while lance hits the weedwacker on conor*

*Conor taps out but the ref is worried about lance and brian*

*Conor low blows whompis and rolls him up and the ref counts 1, 2, 3, cementing a heel turn!*

Thrall: WHAT????? The McCabes turn HEEL!!! JESUS OH LORD


*Southern pride plays*

Announcer: Heres your winners THE MCCABES!!!

Thrall: Wow....


*McCabes leave laughing at Lance and Whomp*

*Lance and Whomp leave helping each other walk*

Crowd chant "Fuck thoughts cheaters*


Part 2 coming really soon just need a break my arms hurt lol!

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