Monday Night Part 2

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Thrall: Well dear lord what a heel turn from The McCabes how devastating! They were such a well face team and they turn on us on the FIRST NIGHT!!!

Jania: Oh boo hoo thrall they're so much better now i hope they win the CAA Men's tag team championships!

Thrall: You're delusional if you think thats happening, but anyways folks we got our second match of the night!! "Lincoln Loud vs Daniel Donnahue" I don't care for any of them so i'm at not lose if any wins or loses.

Jania: Ohhh Lincoln is so dreamy ughhhh i love him!!


*Lincoln comes walking down as the boos rain down*

Announcer: The following match is schedule for one fall, approaching the ring from the loud house LINCOLN LOUD!

Thrall: Oh boy *Sigh*

Jania: *Screams in joy*

*Lincoln taunts the crowd and flexs*

*Annoying you by M.C Rick C*

Announcer: And his opponent DANIEL DONNAHUE!



Daniel runs at Lincoln

Lincoln hits him with the The Krakatoa Eruption

Daniel drops like a sack of potatoes 

Lincoln gloats and taunts Daniel

Lincoln: You're fucking week chap 


Lincoln picks him up and hits him with another The Krakatoa Eruption

Lincoln picks him up a third time with The Krakatoa Eruption

Lincoln pins him 



Lincoln gets off of him 

Lincoln picks him up

Lincoln: COME ON

Daniel tries to punch Lincoln

Lincoln dodges and puts him in a arm bar

Lincoln lets go


Lincoln get mad at yells at Jania

Lincoln: Shut up you get more dick then a glory hole 

Daniel rolls up Lincoln



Lincoln kicks out and smashes daniels face on the canvas over and over again

Ref tells lincoln to stop and ref pushed him off

Ref checks daniel

Ref calls for bell

Announcer: Here is your winner by knock out LINCOLN LOUD!

Thrall: Wow that was to far even for the nick club...

Jania: *Cries* Why wont he love me

Lincoln walks up the ramp with hate in his eyes 

All the Nick Club walks down to congratulate him

Lincoln shakes up with them and walks backstage

The paramedics come down and help Daniel on a stretcher 

Paramedics roll him up the ramp


Part 3 soon!

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