Tagged Again! Woo! (Friend Tag)

12 1 4

So, daisydot2002 tagged me!

So basically you're going to tag 15 people who are your friends, or who you consider friends. Apparently, they'll tag you back, but I'm being nice and saying you don't have to do this again. I just want to annoy everyone with tags! Hehe

So, let's go!

daisydot2002- My tag buddy (Oh hey we're tag buddies now :) )

yummy_bunny470- Mom friend. (Heyyyyyyy mom)

MysticInferno- Little sister friend (Heyo sry I haven't been on Minecraft lately :/ )

maq0to- Big sister friend (Hey sry I know you don't like tags. U don't have to do this)

BranchyPie- Heyyy yeah I consider u a friend 😉

bugsychase- Literally the only friend I have in classes and we only have 1 class together so that's sad. :/ (Heyyyyyyyyy)

Superkitty7- Daughter friend

And someone who won't tell me their username- Yeah you know who you are. Pls pm meeeeeeeee

And oh geez I'm lonely.

Yeah I'm trying to make friends. I'm talking to people. I'm actually pretty proud of myself, I've started conversations, and joined in some, and I'm trying to find out people's interests, but sometimes people don't listen to me... Okay that's enough for today so bai!

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