pool time

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(normal POV)

cant believe pippa and Rocky are going out now!!!! But holly and pippa are both insecure about their bodies so they decide to catch some sun

Riker: hey girls you coming into the pool anytime soon

me and holly looked at each other and thought of an excuse

pippa: we don't have a swimsuit

rocky: you can just borrow one of Rydel's

holly: I don't think they'll fit pippa because shes a midget haha

Rocky: (puts his arms around pippa's waist) shes my midget though

Pippa: hay im not that small!!

Ross: you are quite small sorry XD

Riker: so you guys coming or what?

(the guys have their backs to the pool)

Pippa: (to holly) you thinking what im thinking?

Holly: yup

( then holly and pippa push the boys in the pool)

Rocky: you two are so gonna regret that

Holly :oh shit run!!!!

(but before the girls could hide Rocky was picking pippa up and Ross was carrying holly to the pool and just before they dropped them into the pool they held them above the pool)

Rocky: say we're the sexiest men on this earth!

pippa& holly: never!!!!

Ross: alright then we'll just drop you into the pool

Pippa: you two are the sexiest men on this earth!!!!1

holly: wow you cave so easily! what she said

(but before the guys could put the girls back on the ground Riker pushed all of them into the pool)

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