Meeting The Family

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Omigosh. I'm meet Taylor's parents. I can't believe it!! I try not to show my feels, but I can't help it. I force myself to stay on the floor rather than jumping up and down. I struggled very much, but succeeded.

"Hello, Ally!!" Andrea and Scott said together. It was a little creepy.

"Uh...Hi!" I answered.

"Ssssssoooooooo............I guess you're our granddaughter???"

"Can I just call you Andrea and Scott...hehehehe...," This couldn't be more awkward right now. And I'm pretty sure I just made it worse. Yyeeeaaaaa. This is weird. I turned to Taylor, giving her a look like, help me; I'm making this really awkward. Then I mouthed,"Please say something..."

"I'm sure that's fine with them...right Mom...hehe," Taylor said showing a worried smile.

"uh...yeah. Yeah yeah yeah!! That's fine," Andrea said then turning around looking dissapointed. "I guess you best be going now...this was a lot more awkward than I planned it to be...huh."

"Bbbbbyyyyeeeeeee," I said.

We walked out of the door and ran to the elevator.

"What happened in there, Ally?," Taylor asked as soon as she hit the elevator button.

"I'm really not sure, but I kinda haven't had grandparents in...oh...I don't know...5 years?"

"I get your point..."

The rest of the elevator ride was silent.

I hopped into the drivers seat when we made it to the car and cranked it up.

"Wanna go to Starbucks?," Taylor asked. I looked at the clock. It was 3:30 pm.

"Sure. Why not?"

I parked the car in front of Starbucks. We walked in and were greeted to a very nice employee.

"What would you lllliiii," the waitress looked up. "OMG!!!! You're Taylor Swift!!!!!!! Could I get your autograph!!!"

"Of course!! Can we order first though?!!" Taylor replied.

"Oh, yes of course!"

"Alright, I would like a Venti Java Chip Frappicino," I ordered.

"K, I would like a Venti Vanilla Latté," Taylor said.

"K, I'll be right out with them. Oh, here. Could you please sign this?"

"Oh, yes!! I'll give it back at the table!!"

We went to sit down at a table and before we knew it, our drinks were out. Taylor scribbled her signature on the waitress's phone case and handed it back.

"I didn't catch your name," Taylor said.

"Oh. It's Alexis, but people call me Alex!!"

"Well, have a nice day Alex!!! I hope to see around again!!"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! Thanks so much for the 273 reads!! It means so much to me!!!! I have a pic collage @Swifty1213!! Follow if possible!!! I love y'all!!!

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