A dancer in chains

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The next day we were back in the studio only to hear devestating news Annabella had sprained her foot and was out of dance for at least 2 weeks. We were all shocked to say the least because she was one of our best dancers.

"Never mind, the show must go on" said Ms Jasta. This almost seemed normal to her, then again she does have a heart of stone. In a matter of seconds we were in our first formation for our group routine. "Move, move, move". "Faster, faster ,faster" screamed Ms Jasta as we try our best to land our turns and leaps without crumbling to the ground.

The words you dream the most of in this class is "dance dismissed" and they were what came out of Ms Jasta's mouth. We all left the room and gathered our things to go home. When I got home I saw my phone had a text message from Annabella...

Hey not meant to tell anyone but Ms Jasta dropped me from the team promise you won't tell.

Annie xx

I was gobsmacked to say the least but to know Ms Jasta the lying vulture that she is dropped what I thought was one of the best dancers from the squad was hard to comprehend. Still the words ring on in my head 'the show must go on'

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