Some gems cried out, and screamed "Watch out! It's Rose Quartz and...and...a Pearl??" Rose Quartz and her terrifying Pearl ran through the crowd, poofing gems as they ran, their swords cutting through the Homeworld Gem's gems. Blue Diamond sent forth her Elites, a Moonstone and a Blue Tourmaline. Moonstone battled with the strength of 10 Jaspers, but was soon overpowered when Rose struck her in the back, leaving Moonstone there clutching her gem, ready to poof. Blue Tourmaline summoned her blue crystalline axe, and engaged in a sword fight styled combat with Rose. Pearl leaped into the air, and cleanly struck the Tourmaline in the head with her sword. Blue Tourmaline gasped and poofed, her square-faceted gem laying there. Blue Diamond slammed her fist down on the arm of her throne. She screamed "ENOUGH!" As she rose from her throne, she summoned a Blue scythe encrusted with the gems of fallen Crystal Gems. Rose Quartz gasped, and Pearl did as well. Pearl held Rose's hand and said nervously "Uh..bye!" They leapt out of the crowd, landing somewhere on the grassy land below. Blue Diamond screamed, her scythe disappearing, and the whole perimeter turning into a sorrowful blue. "They might try and shatter Pink! She's unprotected!" Blue Diamond calmed herself down, looking like a mess. "I'll..I'll be in my Palanquin.."
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