Chapter Seven: The Finals

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                     Drew's P.O.V
May, Solidad, Alberto, and me were in the finals. They matched who was going against who. I was against Alberto, Solidad and May were oppenents. I looked at May, "Good luck May, Solidad is really strong", I said.

"I know, but I think I'll win!" May said.

"Alright May", I said.

I liked the confidence that May had. But, beating Solidad was hard. I wish May good luck. That is, if she wants go against me.

I was up first, against Alberto. "Go Vaporeon!" Alberto said.

"Go Roserade!" I said.

"Use Aurora Beam Vaporeon!" Alberto said.

It hit Roserade, and damaged Roserade a bit. "Now Roserade, use Petal Dance!" I said.

"Wow, Drew's Roserade had a beautiful Petal Dance!" the announcer  said.

It hit Vaporeon and damaged it severely. "Vaporeon, use Muddy Water!" Alberto said.

Roserade took that and used Petal Dance then, Vaporeon fainted. "Return Vaporeon, go Dragonair!" he said as he tossed his Pokeball.

He sended out Dragonair but, when it was Roserade's turn, it got confused. "Roserade, use Magical Leaf!" I shouted.

But, Roserade was too confused to do my commands. "Now Dragonair, use Blizzard!", Alberto said.

It hit Roserade and then fainted. "You did well Roserade, now go Absol!" I shouted.

"Dragonair, use Blizzard!" Alberto said.

"Absol, dodge! Now, use Ice Beam!" I said.

It hit Dragonair, but it could take it. "Use Aqua Tail Dragonair!" Alberto said.

"Absol dodge, now use Iron Tail", I said.

It hit Dragonair, "Wow, another swift miss from Absol!" the announcer said.

"Now, use Dragon Rush!" Alberto commanded.

"Flash, Absol!" I said.

The flash blinded Dragonair and missed. "Heh, time to finish this Razor Wind!" I said.

It hit Dragonair, and fainted. "Heh", I said.

"Return Dragonair", he said.

I bowed and walked to the room for coornidators. "Your turn guys", I said.

"Good performance Drew", Solidad said.

"Good luck May", I said.

"Thanks Drew", May said.

I watched from the television their performance.
                     May's P.O.V
Solidad sended out Lapras, and I sended out Blaziken. "Let's go Blaziken, use Double Kick!" I said.

It hit Lapras and Lapras weakened. "Use Surf Lapras", Solidad said.

"Overheat!" I shouted.

The overheat weakened the Surf and Blaziken could take it. "Use Sky Uppercut!" I shouted.

It hit Lapras and fainted. "Well May, that was a great job of taking down Lapras but I'll take you down with my next Pokemon, go Slowbro!" Solidad said.

She sended out Slowbro, "Blaziken, use Mega Kick!" I said.

It damaged Slowbro, but a little bit. "Psychic, Slowbro", she said.

Blaziken fainted from the strong psychic attack. "Return Blaziken you did good, now go Beautifly!" I said.

"Use Water Gun, Slowbro", Solidad said.

"Beautifly dodge, use Silver Wind!" I said.

"An amazing Silver Wind from May's Beautifly!" the announcer said.

"Yawn, Slowbro!" Solidad said.

"Beautifly, use Gust and use Psychic to control it!" I said.

"Wow, an mystical combination from Beautifly!" the announcer said.

Then, Beautifly fell asleep. "Beautifly wake up!" I said.

"Now, use Psychic Slowbro", Solidad said.

Then, Beautifly finally woke up. "Use Morning Sun!" I said.

"Wow, a beautiful Morning Sun from Beautifly!" the announcer said.

"Now use Water Gun Slowbro!" Solidad shouted.

"Use Psychic to reflect right back!" I said.

Beautifly used Psychic to turn it against Slowbro. It injured Slowbro but, not much. "Use Water Gun again!" Solidad said.

"Psychic!" I shouted.

"Use Psychic as well Slowbro!" Solidad said.

The Psychic from our Pokemon were really strong, but Slowbro's Psychic was stronger and the controlled Water Gun went towards Beautifly. "Morning Sun!" I said.

"Use Water Gun!" Solidad said.

"Silver Wind Beautifly!" I said.

It caused a huge explosion, we couldn't see from the smoke for a while. "Silver Wind Beautifly!" I said.

Then, Slowbro fainted, "Good job May, you defeated me good luck to you to the last round", she said as she walked.

I walked to the coornidator room. "Looks like we'll be facing each other", Drew said as he threw me a rose.

"Thanks Drew", I said.

We walked outside and I saw Jayline hugging me. "YOU WERE AMAZING GUYS!!" she shouted.

"Yeah thanks", Drew said.

"Guess what, Misdreavus and Swablu evolved!" she said.

"That amazing! May I see them?" I said.

She sended out an Altaria and a Mismagius. "Congratulations", I said.

"By the way, I defeated the two first gyms in Hoenn!" she said.

"Cool", Drew said.

"Well, see ya Jayline we have to get some rest for our Compitition", Drew said.

"Ok!" she said as she rushed away.

Then Solidad came to us, "Well, congrats May good luck with Drew he has some real competition in him cause of you", she said.

"Thanks Solidad", I said.

"Well, May see ya", he said.

"Ok see ya!" I said.

"May, I think you Drew would make a good couple", Solidad said.

"Stop it!" I said as I blushed.

"Ha, embarrassment", she said.

I did like Drew, but how will I tell him? Most importantly, will I beat him in the the last round?

Ok guys, that's all for this chapter. Sorry, if the loving part doesn't make sense but I swear I'm putting 100% effort on this story. So I hope you the enjoy the story so far. So, stay swag and peace out!

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