Chapter Eight: The Compitition

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                     May's P.O.V
I woke up the next morning, Solidad and Drew were still sleeping. I walked to the door. But, I felt something on my hand. I looked at my hand, it was Drew's hand. "May", Drew said when he was asleep.

"Drew", I said as I blushed.

"I need you May", Drew said.

"Drew, please let me go", I said.

He finally let go. I looked at the time. Oh my goodness, it's 20 minutes from being late in the contest. I had to wake them up, espicially Drew. "Guys, wake up!" I shouted.

They were still asleep, I started shaking them. "What is it May?" Drew groaned.

"We're going to be late!" I said.

That forced him awaken, "Oh yeah", he said as he looked at the time.

He stood up, and ran towards the door. "Solidad, are you awake!" I asked her.

"Probably", she groaned as she stood up.

"Ok, come on!" I said.

We ran to the contest hall. "Good luck to both of you guys", Solidad said.

We both walked up to the stage. "And the very last round of this contest is May versus Drew! Also, this will also be a double battle!" the announcer said.

Double Battle? That means we need do four pokemon. I'll use Glaceon and Wartortle."Go Absol and Flygon!" Drew said as he sended out Absol.

"Go Beautifly and Glaceon!" I shouted as I threw my pokeball.

"Battle begin!" the announcer said.

"Absol, use Water Pulse !" Drew said.

"Beautifly dodge and use Psychic!" I said.

Beautifly used Psychic to turn the Water Pulse against Absol. "Flygon,  counter with Dragonbreath!" Drew said.

But, since Beautifly's Psychic controlled the Water Pulse, it did nothing. The Water Pulse hit Absol and damaged it a lot. "Glaceon, use Ice Beam on Flygon!" I shouted.

"Flamethrower!" Drew said.

It caused a huge explosion, "Beautifly, use Silver Wind on Absol!" I said.

"Absol dodge!" Drew said.

But, the Silver Wind still hit Absol and damaged it a lot. "Flygon,  Flamethrower on Beautifly!" Drew said.

"Beautifly, Psychic!" I shouted.

"Absol, Razor Wind!" Drew shouted.

It caused a an explosion we couldn't see from the smoke for a while. "Flygon, Absol, use Dragon Razor Wind against Beautifly!" Drew said.

The pokemon combined Dragonbreath and Razor Wind. But, it didn't hit Beautifly, it hit Glaceon. "Amazing, Glaceon took the move to protect its buddy!" the announcer said.

"Iron Tail Absol, on Glaceon!" Drew said.

"Use Iron Tail as well, Glaceon!" I shouted.

The two pokemon had great force on their Iron Tails, then it broke off. "Flygon, Flamthrower on Glaceon!" Drew said.

"Beautifly, use Gust to counter!" I said.

It caused a huge explosion. "Absol, use Water Pulse on Beautifly!" Drew said.

"Glaceon, use Mirror Coat to reflect it!" I shouted.

The Water Pulse hit both Flygon and Absol. Absol fainted, and Drew returned it. "Go Butterfree!" he shouted.

                    Drew's P.O.V
May was really determined to beat me. But, I won't let that happen. "Flygon Flamethrower, and Butterfree use Psychic to control against to Beautifly!" I said.

It hit Beautifly, and fainted. "Return Beautifly, go Wartortle!", May said.

"Bubble Wartortle, along with that Glaceon use Ice Shard!" May said.

"Flygon, Butterfree dodge!" I said.

They both dodged the attacks. "Now, use Flamethrower and control it with Psychic Flygon and Butterfree on Glaceon!" I said.

It hit Glaceon and fainted. "Return, Glaceon go Blaziken!" May said.

"Use Blaze Kick on Butterfree, Wartortle use Ice Beam on Flygon!" May said.

"Dodge both of you, Butterfree use Gust on Blaziken, and Flygon use Steel Wing on Wartortle!" I said.

The attacks both hit them. "Blaziken use Overheat on Butterfree, and Wartortle use Ice Beam on Flygon!" May said.

"Both of you dodge!" I shouted.

But, the Overheat hit Butterfree causing my Butterfree to faint. "Return Butterfree, go Roserade!" I said.

"Use Petal Dance on Wartortle Roserade, and Flygon use Sandstorm on Blaziken!" I said.

Wartortle fainted, "Drew, you are really good at taking down my Pokemon but, I won't let you take me down easily", May said.

"Heh, May the battle is already finished. Now, Flygon use Dragonbreath!" I said.

Roserade kept using Petal Dance, and Dragonbreath took down Blaziken. "And that's it for this intense match, Drew had the upper hand of this match!" the announcer said.

"I lost", May said.

I got my ribbon, and went out to follow May. Did I make her upset? I don't want to, even though we are rivals, I still care about her. Why do I care so much about May? I spotted May and ran to her.

"May!" I said.

"Oh hi, Drew", she said.

Then we saw Solidad and Jayline come up to us. "You guys were really good!" Jayline said.

"Yeah, that battle was intense", Solidad said.

"I lost though", May said.

"It doesn't matter, you and your Pokemon did their best!" Jayline said.

"Well, I'll leave you guys. It doesn't matter if you won May. Its alright to lose", Solidad said as she walked away.

"They're right May", I said.

"I'm just really tired", May said.

"I'll leave you guys too bye!!" Jayline said as she rushed away.

"May, are you okay?" I asked.

"I am", May said as she blushed a bit.

"May, what's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing", she said.

"Please tell me", I said.


"I did?!" I said in shock.

"Yeah, but Drew", she said.

"What is it May?" I asked.

"Why did you hold my hand when you were asleep?" she asked.

"Well, I have to admit. I was thinking about you a lot", I said.

"Wha...." May said with a blush.

"Well, I like you a lot Drew", May said.

My face had a shock expression. "Really?" I said.

"Yes, I really do. I was just really nervous to tell you", May said.

"Me too May. I like you too", I said.

Trolololololo. Haha, this is not an ending there will a ninth chapter! Even though this be the perfect ending. This is cliffhanger! This took so long to make but I hope you guys like it. I'm going to make an even better ending than this next chapter. Again, this is not the ending the ninth chapter will probably be the ending. And I'll actually think of better ideas! So, stay swag and peace out! (•¿~)

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