The first task

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I ended up getting the worst dragon why me. I was waiting for Harry to finish as I was the last on. When the cannon went off I walk quietly into the shocked arena. I took a deep breath and put my hands together and bowed to the dragon. The dragons head turned to the side studying me. I drop to my knee and bowed my head. I heard the thumps of the feet I heard the crowd gasp. 

I felt my hair get blown back and forth and the snorting of the dragon sniffing. I put my hand on the ground and dragged it back. I felt the wet slit toungue scrape across my face. I smiled and stood up and held out my hand. The dragons head dropped on my palm. I petted it. I walked to the nest and grabbed the golden egg. I let her smell it and pet her snout. She walked back to her nest and curled around it. I walked out of the silent arena.  

I walk to the minister and he patted my back after I flinch. He congratulated me and escorted me back to my private quarters. I ran my hand down the side. I walk to the bathroom and put the egg to the side and went in the bath. The egg accidently fell in and opened. A beautiful song came out. Treasure? They will hold my tresure and I have an hour to collect it or I will lose it forever? No I don't think that's it. 

Oh well I'll sleep on it. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep for a total two hours before I woke and and finished a years worth of work and kept reading.

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