My Mother woke up

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I stood beside the group and Percy was holding his bloody nose. There was giants everywhere and there my mother was forming from the dirt. When she appeared she looked different.

"Your her double. Your not the one who talked to me when I was a floating spirit." I said looking at her. She narrowed her eyes at me. 

"Who are you demigod brat?" She snarled. I smile. "Brandon Hero Riddle-Solace-McKenzie the son of Gaea and Lord Voldemort or as I call him moldy shorts, no nose." I said. I can hear some snicker. 

In a fast motion I made me and her rise. Rocks rise and go on fire. water whirled around us. I got out my sword and got into position. We started fighting. We both landed good shots on each other. I remember all the hate, all the pain I went through and unlashed it towards her with a scream. Fighting had stopped below us to watch. I stabbed her in the chest looking into her eyes as she had plunged her earth sword in my stomach. MY mouth opened for a scream. Her body returned to the earth and I landed on the ground.

I reached into my pocket and enlarge my bag. I shakily grabbed healing potions and drank the fowl things. My wound starts to heal up. I drink a blood replenishing potion and shakily got up. I got into fighting position and stare at the giants eyes. The giants eyes went large and tried to run away only he stuck to the ground. I gave a wide birth of a smirk, which caused him to shiver. I killed him and went onto the next group. 

When the war was over I look at Percy with my energy depleting. The God's look at me in shock. 

"You called me for help, and I helped even though all of you either ignored me, tried to kill me, hurt me. I helped because I could save more lives then in a hospital at the moment." I said. 

The king looked angry. I gave a stupid bow and stomped my foot. A hole appeared in front of me. 

"Brandon Wait!" Percy called.

"Why? Why should I listen to my brother who abandoned me?" I asked looking down. 

"Please just stay. For me. Stay with my mom." Percy said. I stiffen a little. A tear slid down my cheek. 

"Why so everyone knows where to find me to kill me?" I rasped. 

"Your not the only one fighting for life. They think I became powerful and had a vote to kill me or not." Percy shouted. 

Everyone was silent and watching what is happening. 

"Wow they had a vote to see if they wanted to kill you or not. Maybe I'm insensitive but I didn't get a vote. As soon as I was claimed on that first day at camp I had no where to sleep, nothing to eat because my food was poisoned, you stayed away from me like a plague even though I just lost my adopted parents once again. You left me to mourn on my own. Then I went to that magic school. To get the same treatment, only one person who my father killed his parents hit me with a stunning spell and threw me off a sixty foot tower. Thantos wouldn't take me because the fates told him I have yet to fulfill my destiny as a hero. My mother told me to be strong. How can I be strong when the world doesn't want me, but they need me. I not only have to save the human world when it comes but I have to kill my father in four years time. And something is coming to the godly world and I have to stop it also. You people think your so highly of yourself, but in order for the worlds to keep living I have to be there and stop it." I said tears. I jumped in the hole and appeared in central park. 

I walk to a bench and sit down. Samuel curling up on my lap. I had camouflaged his coat to look like a white cat. I sat there for a long time until a group of people in costume stood in front of me.

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