Chapter one:The Train Ride

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'Hermoines P.O.V'

"Hey Hermoine"I heard someone say.I turned around and saw Draco.No Hermoine,its Malfoy.Not Draco!"Malfoy?"I asked him.He looked at my eyes.They where sparkling stormy grey.I got on the train.I went to the Gryffindor compart.ent and sat down.I dont want to go back to hogwarts!I thought to myself.Wait,thats werid....I usually love Hogwarts.I had a letter from Bellatrix Lestrange saying she was my mom.I didnt belive it thoughe.'I put crazy thoughts in your head.I will make you kill everyone in your sight.I will make you a phsycopath'a vocie wishpeared in my head.It sounded like Bellatrix.I was brought out of my thouggts by clapping hands.I looked up and saw Ginny,Harry,Ron,Neville,Luna,Seamus,
Fred,and Geargeo.I had on a braclet that they all looked at.(pitcher below)

It reminded me of my parents

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It reminded me of my parents.They died.I saw the orders symblo over my houes.Thats when I got the note."Hermoine,are you ok?"Ginny asked.I was afriad the say I didnt trust the order when I talk so I just nodded.'Come to me,my daughter.Be a deatheater.Be a slytherin'a vocie whispeared in a deep cold vocie in my head."I have to go to the bathroom real quick.Im also going to sit with some other friends"I said getting up.I got out as soon as my hair stared to look like Bellatrixs.I ran to the Slythrin compartment.I looked for Draco.When I found his compartment,I knocked.He was the only one in there along with Blasie and Theo.I got a sigh to come in.I opened the compartment door."Hermoine,whats worng?"Draco asked."Draco,Im starting to look like your aunt and I gusse my mother.And I feel like Im starting to turn crazy"I said to him.My eyes turned pitch black."Shes commiuncating to me thoughre our minds.I know shes not out of azkaban.Its not in the paper.Wait,why do I feel..."I said and the paused."How do you feel?"Draco asked.I got a crazed look in my eye."I feel like I want to kill.Tortotre.Muder"I whispeared.Blasie looked up from his book,Theo stopped practing spells,and Dracos ears perked up.They looked at me."Maybe I should take you to the manor when we get to Hogwarts so your dont kill,torture,or muder any of the students..."Draco said.
The train stopped.We got off and Draco apperated me to the Manor.

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