I Kinda Be More Than Friends

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The cafeteria is loud with chatter and clinking utensils and during lunch time.

Blaine sits at his usual table next to his friends, his eyes fixed – though he thinks he's being discrete – on the gorgeous boy sitting in another table.

"Oh look at him. He's so beautiful. Being this beautiful should be a crime. It must be," Blaine sighs then places his fork in his mouth. Cafeteria's salad is actually nice today.

"Who?" Quinn and Santana ask, Brittany too much involved in her meat balls to pay attention.

How Blaine had ended up being friends with the Unholy Trinity was a long story, but he knows he can trust them. They might be snakes with each other, but they'd never do anything to Blaine. He is the only one safe in the group, the only one they'd do anything to protect.

"Kurt Hummel," Blaine's eyes fly back to the boy, who is sitting next to Mercedes Jones, "He's so perfect, isn't he?"

"Well, Hobbit, maybe you should try talking to him first," Santana says, rolling her eyes.

"That'd be helpful," Brittany agrees, tilting her head slightly and nodding.

"But you have to make it good," Quinn warns, "Not treat him like some other guy."

Many things could be said about Quinn, but one that couldn't was that she doesn't care about Kurt Hummel. She saw what he went through and never thought it was fair that those terrible things happened to him.

"I don't know what he likes and dislikes. I don't know how to start a conversation with him."

Santana throws her head back and groans.

Blaine looks at her with his patented puppy dog eyes and asks, "Help?"

"Blaine, sweety," Santana grabs his hand, "You're hot as hell. Use that on your favor. With an ass like yours, Hummel won't be able to say 'no'."

"Careful, she spreads venom with her palms, don't let her touch you," Quinn, of course. She doesn't even look up from her phone as she points at Santana's hands. But she does glance at the boy when she speaks again. "But she's right. You're gorgeous, B. All you have to do is woo him."

"And how exactly can I do that?" Blaine inquires, almost desperately. "You know romance is not my strongest point."

Quinn snorts. "You say that, but we know that's not true."

Santana nods, "You're a hopeless romantic. Just as Lady Hummel over there."

"Maybe Lord Tubbington will help you," Brittany beams, then quickly deflates. "I'll talk to him if you want, even if I vowed to not do that until he stopped smoking behind my back."

Santana takes Brittany's hands in hers, but keeps her eyes on Blaine. "What does those rom-com movies teach you about romance?"

Blaine loves silly romantic movies, that is true. And he'd watch it with the girls, Santana claiming she found them all boring, but she'd been seen catching a tear or other with her thumb. No one ever comments on that; no one wants to be murdered Lima Heights style.

"Actually," Quinn smirks, "I have an idea."


"Are you sure about this?" Blaine asks. He is supposed to be heading to Chemistry but he's currently standing with Quinn and Santana debating whether he should follow Quinn's idea or not.

"Just go already."

"Yes, before he decides to get something on his locker."

Kurt had gathered his books to his next class already, but there are no guarantees he won't come back so Blaine has to hurry.

Courage, Blaine thinks. And strides confidently towards Kurt's locker. He takes a deep breath before slipping the note in between the spaces of the metal and almost running back to the girls. Then they hurry to class and make it just is time to seat as the bell rings for the second time.

Ten minutes later, Quinn leans in so her face is almost on Blaine's neck. "What did you write on the note?" she whispers.

Santana quickly whips her head back, "I wanna know too," and turns back to the blackboard.

Blaine knows there's no running from telling them. He thanks how he already knows what Ms. Purella is explaining thanks to Cooper, who'd let him peak through his books as a child. Blaine quickly scribbles down the same thing he wrote on the note he left in Kurt's locker, tears the small piece from his notebook and gives it discretely to Quinn. When she returns it, he repeats the process with Santana.

I wish I knew your coffee order. I'd bring you coffee then. Are you a latte kind of guy? Cappuccino? Mocha? Something classy, I'm sure. –B.

He can only hope Kurt finds it as romantic as he thought.


"And my mind just... Just goes blank and I say the lamest things. Ugh," Blaine's shoulders slump and he closes his eyes as he speaks, but keeps his posture straight. That comes with being a cheerleader.

"Yeah, it's been pretty obvious. For everyone. Except him," Santana quips, shrugging.

"I don't think they're lame. They definitely don't give him the idea that you like him, though," Quinn considers.

"I said he should have more solos yesterday. Doesn't that count for something?"

"Not when we're so close to Regionals that it seems like you're just saying that so we can win."

Blaine frowns. "Kurt wants to go to Broadway. He wants to be best shot that we have at winning. And I'm sure he will, here in high school and on Broadway."

"You should tell him that," Brittany shrugs.


Did it hurt when you fell from Hea-

"No. No, no, no, no. Just... No," Santana says, shaking her head.

"Why not?" Blaine asks.

"There's a thin line between romantic and ridiculous, Blaine, and this is just so much more than just ridiculous."

Quinn is quick to add. "It's a bad cliché. The point is to make Santana want to gag, not actually do so. Let's try something else."


The next note comes two days later, right before Glee.

Can't wait to hear you sing today. –B. Kurt reads and a smile comes into his face.

It was a risky one. When in high school, many people can have 'B' as the first letter of their names, or last names.

But in Glee, there's a limited number of people. Blaine knows Kurt is astute and smart and will soon figure out who his secret admirer is.

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