Who Thinks That You're One Of A Kind

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Kurt has had an amazing day so far. You look and sound like an angel. –B., was waiting for him as he opened his locker in the morning. The smile on his face had simply plastered itself there since then. He then proceeded to perform an amazing solo and get standing ovation from his peers. And now he's going to the theater.

So to say he's excited is a misunderstanding. This is still Lima, this is still no Broadway, but this is a theater. Presenting a musical.

Kurt is wearing a nice suit and he helped Carole in picking a dress. He even managed to get his dad and Finn in suits too (with less layers, but suits nonetheless ).

He is so happy.


Blaine wears a suit and a bowtie that matches the colors of the theater that night. His parents decided to pretend to be parents for once and let him choose something for them to do.

It would have been nice if his mother had stopped talking on the phone with some friend and his father at least looked at him during dinner. But that doesn't matter. Now he's at the theater surrounded by lovers of theater and his parents can't ignore him as they can't talk.

Nothing can disturb his happiness, his excitement. Nothing.

And then he sees it. Or rather, he sees him. Blaine can barely believe his eyes but he'd recognize those eyes and that jaw anywhere. Kurt Hummel is there as well, sitting with his family a few rows upfront and at the other side of the theater.

He doesn't stand up to say hi – he's a gentleman that found a Glee colleague at the theater, he should talk to him, right? – because the lights are already diming.

Blaine's beaming during the show. He's not actually watching the show, no matter how much he loves the play and the music and environment. He can't part his eyes from Kurt's figure for the rest of the nigh.


When Kurt opens his locker the next morning, a note falls right into his hand.

I saw you at the playhouse. Missed the entire musical in favor of staring at you. I hope you loved what you saw as much as I did. –B.


"And he wears those jeans! They are so tight, so nice on him," Blaine exclaims as he looks at Kurt standing in line to get his lunch. The tight camo button-up that disappear into those amazing jeans that cling to his legs that run for miles and miles before reaching his boots. What a sight.

"I seriously wonder how he gets into those," Quinn murmurs. "Tell him you like them. Next level of notes coming in, Hummel," she warns, even if Kurt can't hear her.

Blaine isn't sure how that can help him but he's sure Quinn would never do something to mess with hm about that. Which leads to: Is it still considered romantic if I write you notes about your sinfully delicious tight pants? –B.


Unfortunately, Kurt misses Glee practice a few days later. They are almost wrapping up with a final performance when Kurt strides through the auditorium doors in a beautiful black suit and red-shot eyes. He goes straight to the band and talks to them briefly before turning to the Glee club.

Upon being asked what happened, Kurt simply looks at each and every one of the faces around him and says, "It's not nice to play with people's feelings."

Then the song starts.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Take this broken wings and learn to fly

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